
Opened up Twitter. Honest to goodness Picture of a Guillotine death threat waiting for all of us who said nice things about supporting trans kids in a long ago tweet. Transphobes have long memories and lists. Reported it and it vanished, but I don't really want to spend time on Twitter any more.
I left because it was just a den of hatred and alt-right views. It's no longer a good place to market. Which is a shame. A massive amount of my sales I got for my game came through posts that I made on Twitter. (I never bought ads)
Yup. I left completely a few months ago, but it had become useless long before that.
Another thing too is this app is so much cleaner visually. Twitter seems cluttered now
But yeah, it has much more severe problems than that
Yep, it’s like pure hatred WITH ADS!
I just wish Blue Sky produced engagement for my business and writing posts. So far I have 0 potential customer interaction. Twitter is getting worse and Blue Sky looks promising, but so far it's not delivering :(
I honestly think it's just a matter of time. I only got off wait list recently - I'm guessing quite a few more are still on it. The numbers should pick up
I've been tracking all my web links for things I post on blue sky and things I post on twitter. I had 1 person from blue sky click on one post months ago. I have no retweets and no shares. I don't know if hashtags are working or not. Blue Sky should be showing more engagement than it is.
Bluesky is still invitation only. It's still in beta.
The trick is that there is no trick. Other than existing followings, the way you get engagement on Bluesky is to engage with people you want to talk to. Have conversations, repost stuff, follow people who seem nice. Like this will risk sounding flippant but Bluesky is the social in social media.
You're in single digit follows/following. You need to engage more to get more engagement. If 1 out of 9 followers clicked through, that's a pretty good ratio, tbh.
You need to start following people. Get to about 500 and see what happens.
<— [not an expert] buuuut: (This is not an attack) Your profile says “I'm a writer. Visit my Author's Central and review my stuff!” A writer of what? For whom? And why would I go to a place to review? I mean, my profile just says “Writer?” but I’m also not trying to get eyes on anything right now.
Short: 1.Hashtags work, but in a different way. 2.Follow more people you like and follow who they follow 3.Repost and be reposted 4.Perhaps this ⤵️ helps
Hashtags aren't implemented yet. I'm told they are on the roadmap.
I get more engagement here than on Twitter and I have five times the audience there. You're only being followed by nine people. There is no algorithm so your posts only go to followers. I'd recommend increasing following a lot more people and hopefully most of them will follow you back.
Theres no algorithm; to some degree, "Posts my friends have liked" acts like it as do feeds You dont have a huge follower count, and you pretty rarely post. You reply a little bit though, but still not a lot. Took me long enough to find a reply from Neil Gaiman that was 2 days old that I stopped
Small base: 5 followers and 9 following. Hashtags don't work unless there's a feed created to track one. You need to increase your footprint proactively. You'll probably get more eyes on this as it's a reply to a popular person / thread.
You need to follow way more people. 10 is nowhere near enough to get any engagement.
I post daily, and interact with others' posts, and get very close to zero engagement on Bluesky. Beginning to wonder if it's worth the effort.
"7 followers 9 following 84 posts" Pretty self explanatory right there. If you're shouting in a tiny closet, no wonder the rest of the house can't see you. If you're not active and not filling your feed [both for you reading and for others to interact with], how can you expect traction?
how many lists do you follow? do you respond to people, do you have your limit of reponses to show on your timeline set to 1? this place is always hoppin for me
My dude, I'm a nobody account, but this is a skill issue. You have no followers and no follows. What do you expect?
Kevin, your problem is almost certainly because you're only following nine people (and this seems to be the case with a lot of people who complain about lack of engagement on Bluesky). You really do have to follow a lot of people on here to get engagement.
I notice you are following 9 people and have fewer than 100 posts. I’ve browsed those posts and replies and still have no idea what you write about, what you’re trying to promote, or why should I be more interested. The problem isn’t bluesky; you need to give people a reason to dig deeper.
While these responses might feel like a pile-on (I would certainly feel like it was) it's got a lot of really good answers in it.
there's no hashtagging in bluesky's own app ecosystem. you can make feeds that basically search for hashtags, but that's a user-community functionality.
These aren't tweets and hashtagging doesn't work. Some people put them in their triggers for Feeds, but that's not the same thing. There's no algorithm tricks. People just have to interact. And not be annoying to the point of being muted or, worse, blocked. Blocking is different here, isolating.
Why do you think bluesky users cares about 'engagement' from people they don't follow ?
One thing to do is check the Following/Follower lists of people you are following. If you follow them, you may get some follow-backs, which will expand the number of people who see your posts/comments/shares.
you have 11 followers. bsky isnt meant to be twitter.
There's a huge excess of codes, at least in the Finnish community. I can get you as many codes as you need.
I think the idea is that we are the primer for the pump. If each user, each week, sent an invite code to known associates growth should be logarithmic What I've found are people unwilling to leave their followers and start over. Musk keeps switching costs high. A key piece of enshittifying his toy.
I've got about 20 invite codes and nobody who wants them.
You follow 9 people. How will anyone know you’re here?
Sadly the fandoms are mostly still there and not anywhere else.
They need to come over here. Twitter has turned into such a hellhole, sadly, with people attacking each other for any reason one can think of...