Neli Zhecheva-Goodwin

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Neli Zhecheva-Goodwin

Fully automated luxury queer space everything
Piratical woman, mockwegian, concrete-lover
Japan We need to talk about your websites
If England win the fucking football game, we'll never hear the end of it, will we
Petition to roll David Coulthard away from media events and never let him hold a microphone again.
Julian Assange sexually assaulted a person (or people). Everyone likes repeating "believe women" until it's that one celebrity you like, actually.
Happy Pride to this tweet in particular
A happy June to you all. 🖼️ Grasset, 1896.
For future reference: The kelp of discontent
Only good vibes Saturday, for your consideration: Frieren: Beyond Journey's End
Today ended at the pub, bumping into two of my favourite podcasters (who were the nicest people honestly, sorry for interrupting your conversation!)
If I wasn't so fucking preoccupied with work, I would've found out that both Bernard Hill and Paul Auster passed away last week. Now I'm sad again.
I think I speak for us all when I say ow my bones
That's just a general life rule but if you're gonna be a colossal, rule-breaking cunt - maybe, just maybe don't do it while you drive your work van, yeah?
Someone please explain to me, why in the flying fuck are OTC cold meds like fucking Lemsip age-restricted? Lemsip?? 18+??
My mum learned how to take selfies and let me tell you, her selfies are 🔥 It's game over y'all.
Wanna save money? Try cutting back on something frivolous like... *checks notes* food
A slender reveal party where the itinerary is split between 10 pages that we need to find before we die (and then we die anyway).
a bender reveal party where we learn that one of our friends was the Avatar this whole time.
We've all seen this graph, or ones like it, so many times over the years and we still hear guff about scroungers every six weeks or so. It should be printed out in A0 size and hung in every school, media office, job-centre, food bank and government building in the country.
Reminding all y'all that it's just that easy. (Also reminding all y'all that Transgender Visibility Day always happens on March 31st.)
Me watching The Devil Wears Prada, aged 17: "Oh yeah, Andrea totally gets so vapid and shallow, and sells her souls for shoes!" Me watching The Devil Wears Prada, aged 33: "Erm, the friends are all assholes and should be incredibly ashamed for not supporting Andrea on her new job"
I wouldn't fight a goose-sized goose even
would you rather fight a Bear Sized Goose or a Goose Sized Bear?
DS9 is great - a trans enby character, a perpetually angry woman who will beat you (and you will love it), a commanding officer who has a problem with authority figures, a perpetually horny doctor, and Miles O'Brien (who is just the MVP half the time).
Working in construction is literally like, do they dismiss me because: 1/ I'm a woman 2/ I have curves 3/ I don't wear suits 4/ I wear make-up 5/ I wear make up but not much and not always 6/ I wear my hair loose 7/ I wear my hear in a bun 8/ I wear glasses 9/ All of the above
Why didn't the Fremen peacefully vote the Harkonnens out of power?