
Gen Z "rediscovered" grunge and started walking around in outfits straight out of my high school years so I don't want to hear shit from them quite frankly.
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
look, I didn't give a fuck about what other teenagers and 20-somethings thought of my clothes when I actually WAS in my teens and 20s, why in the fuck would I start caring what teenagers and 20-somethings think of my clothes *now*?
They're wearing mom jeans (pleated straight leg high-waisted light denim) and I'm wearing mom jeans (dark skinny jeans). We're! All! Wearing! Mom jeans!
Wait...its 2024. Are jeans still a thing? I can still remember owning a jean coat back in the day. Not comfortable.
Still around, though I more often see teenagers around here in sweatpants and pajama bottoms
I mean. Comfort over style. They may be on to something.
Zoom/pandemic generation. I’ve made the same switch to jogging pants for WFH. Comfy at home, but reasonable to walk the dog or run to the store.
I did a hiking trip up in Idaho a few years back. Bought a few lightweight hiking pants and now i just basically wear them non stop. Lightweight, they breath and are super low maintenance. Great for work and play.
I think it's cute personally how style is now an inescapable 30 year churn cycle from hell actually
I remember my dad getting really upset the first time he saw me in bell bottoms in the 90s
This is the how I felt when I first saw someone wearing their hats backward again
Because of the 90s bell bottoms incident I've been incredibly aware of the 20 year cycle so it hasn't really bothered me. I was just excited that I got to buy high waisted JNKO style jeans.
I saved two pairs of 72" jncos and now my daughter and my niece have them
I used to have a pair of red velvet bellbottoms that were my mum's from the 70s that I wore at university in the 90s (I *was* a drama student).
Plus if they get locked out of the house they can make good improvised tents
I keep saying the real move now is to just when you're done with something put it in a box for XX years. I took great care of my toys as a kid and now I have no idea what to do with those but you know how much of jncos must be? Ffs
Hoping to have kids so they get to get good use out of my TMNT guys again I guess!
I have been harvesting old and unwanted items from both my mother and mother in law
Selling my high school clothes to the upscale vintage store and taking the money without any insecurity. I love it.
Very funny to me that emo is like a preppy thing to be sorta now, like it isn't even close to the "teen who has been burned by being a naive kid" spirit to the looks anymore.
I see folks rocking the mullet and porn stash and just know there will be hell to pay regarding the fashion police over this next decade.
Porn stache* (moustache)... Big difference 😂
A psychologist i had when I was 18 once asked me if “i was making a statement” re: my mental health/life/ect when she looked at how I was dressed (IE: grunge-y) and I was like “lady…I threw on what was clean…” I’ve been this way forever
The other day I was riding the commuter train and people watching at each stop and it's insane how pretty much every teenager was dressed in fashion straight from ~1997-2004. It's very cool they use the train though.
They went straight for some of the goofiest looks too it’s been fun to watch
srsly whut? "rediscovered grunge" ? 🤣🤣🤣 Can we team up for 90's alt rock trivia night and squash them flat? I need to offload some extra GenX fucks I accidentally got stuck with again. And I have a new Pearl Jam tour shirt to go over my pocketed dress yoga pants.
Not just grunge. I saw a teenage girl that dressed like siouxsie from siouxsie & the banshees 😆 It was like being in middle school again