
What does “bad” mean? It’s not anti society when the society in question is fueled by greed and imperialism. People are motivated by their material conditions (wealth, power) and it’s something no one is immune to. Including people not explicitly “on the right” See: Joe Biden committing genocide
Something to stress is that under capitalism it doesn’t matter if people think they are good people. Or if people try to be good people. Exploitation and expropriation will remain as processes. Wealth accumulation and resulting dispossession will occur because we live in a system w class conflict.
This is the alienation that happens as capitalist subjects and it’s at the very root of the logic of captialism. Being a good neighbor in capitalism means being a greedy off putting shit because we are all placed in competition with one another. That’s the whole idea.
Finally, the reason you are frustrated / don’t understand why the Democratic Party isn’t doing anything is because for some reason you have particularized and separated them and wonder why you don’t understand. It becomes really easy if you say they have the same or practically the same motivations
I remember thinking after Hillary lost she was going to channel the massive grassroots system Sanders gifted her into some sort of resistance. Feels pretty stupid now especially since all she did was hang out in Martha’s Vineyard and write a fanfic full of her petty grievances.
you'd have thought they'd finally confront the electoral college after fucking them a second time in 16 years, but they love to play the losing game and fundraise off it
I also like their example "good republicans" like romney an mccain are absolute dog shit humans who have made the world a worse place but get a pass simply for their brave stance of orange man bad.
Everybody saw the movie "Wall Street", and decided that the "greed is good" speech was gospel truth.
Democrats repeatedly tell people to their faces that we need a Republican Party and sell bipartisanship as a moral imperative, yet these dimwits can't fathom that the DNC doesn't actually believe the right-wing of liberalism is as bad as they say it is during elections.