
I think there is basically consensus now among elected Dems that court reform is necessary, if there wasn't before.
I'm just hoping that Joe is being deliberate and slow about coming around to it rather than resisting it
I am confident Biden would be on board now
I do suspect we’d need to suggest the most extreme restructuring option possible to get him to where we-the-left want him to be but that has been true of Biden basically his entire career.
"move every federalist society judge to a newly created federal circuit on little Diomede island alaska"
Send them to wherever Julian Assange just pleaded out
Using executive actions that begin with the phrase "In my official capacity as President of the United States," of course.
I like it. How about "declare the federalist society a hate group and make membership a lifetime ban from practicing law in any form"?
He will move to the consensus middle so keep pushing!
Empanel 7 random Article III judges to grant cert to a different random panel of Article III judges to decide.
I’m only sort of kidding! A true court reform would reduce the salience of the supreme court, not by hoping for better judges but by changing the systemic incentives.
I don’t think he’s the mover here, and I think whatever Congress manages to get passed, he’s gonna sign.
Absolutely valid, I was speaking to getting Biden on-side with the idea, not how you get it enacted. For Congress I think the same pressure applies -- get them to see that the reasonable middle ground *is* expansion and scaling back some of their unwritten powers.
We may be in Edith Wilson territory...
i mean, maybe?? one of biden's first acts as president was establishing a commission that issued a finding recommending against any judicial reforms and admonishing against taking actions that might diminish the public's perception of the courts' legitimacy