
If you can make the other side start eating themselves, all kinds of incredible things are possible. That’s a solid lesson.
I’ve been doing normal American things so correct me if I’m wrong but it sure seems like Reform and the Torries are splitting a lot of votes which is why Labor is feasting? Am I wrong here?
unfortunately, it seems not even being convicted of 34 felonies can get the GOP to eat themselves, whereas a bad debate can send the entire left coalition into a week long panic
I think a 60-40 Dem win could do it, though. That’s not realistic, but it’s not impossible.
A Dem trifecta would definitely do it, which is actually entirely possible in a reverse 2016 situation (polls overrate Trump, Trump voters split ticket because it seems obvious Trump will win and they want "balanced government," diehard anti-Trump voters go straight D on the ballot).
If this happens against Biden, recriminations that MAGA is such a loser movement it lost to decrepit Joe Biden, twice. If it happens against another nominee, , GOP will have recriminations about "why we couldn't move on in 4 years while Dems moved on in 4 weeks." Trump's court cases will...
... force multiple "defend/disavow" cycles for the GOP. MAGA itself fractures over whether it's about transgressive lightweight vibes or hard policy goals - basically the Charlie Kirk/Daily Wire chuds feud with the Steve Miller/Russ Vought Project 2025 sociopaths. It's plausible, IMO.