
Trump tells his rally crowd Chuck Schumer has “become a Palestinian.” Second time this week he’s used “Palestinian” to describe non-Palestinians he dislikes as if the word is a slur. I remain skeptical of the claim that Trump becoming president next year would improve the lives of Palestinians.
Second counterpoint: whatever white americans do, the rest of us suffer
Trump likes “strongmen”. He won’t do a thing to even attempt rein Bibi in either in Gaza nor the West Bank.
So what? 1) Biden is killing people in Palestine now 2) Biden hasn't "reined" in anyone 3) Did you see the debate? You think Biden'll win now? lol
Bibi - so you love the dude huh?
It’s because I can’t remember how to spell is last name.
and that makes you qualified to speak about things you have no idea about? dunning kreuger incarnate
As an American Jew who has been struggling with this for a half century, I'm here to tell you that there's a world of difference between Liberal Democrat pro-Zionism, which is in denial about Israel's anti-Palestinian racism, and MAGA Christian Zionism, which embraces it.
As an American Muslim, do you think it matters to the 10K+ dead children in Palestine?
As an American Muslim (and an American attorney in two states), do you think I need lessons on MAGA assholes?
You do realize I don't need a history lesson for 8 years ago, right? Jesus fuck this again.
As an American Muslim do you think Hind Rajab is somewhere saying "it's cool because Joe's a Democrat"? Do you think her mother is saying that?
It's horrible to half to say this, but we're stuck with the choice of between Biden, who has cowardly enabled the murder of thousands of Palestinians, and Trump, who would gleefully murder millions of them.
> It's horrible to half to say this White people stop here challenge: impossible
Enjoy sitting on the throne of a mountain of our bodies, so you can be comfortable you immoral fuck.
Nah. I ain't voting for either. Fuck em.
So, you care more about your personal animus than about how many people will die. Whatever.
You've ruined my Saturday, because I simply refuse to learn how immoral people like you are. But let me say this before getting back to it: I suffered more than you under Trump, and as an attorney I did more to try and fight it.
I have to inject myself because of my worsening diabetes. I have white hairs. And I'd rather suffer that again than reward the person killing Palestinian six-year olds right now. My life is not worth more than their's. My life, and clearly your life, are worth much, much less.
There are literally millions of Palestinians on the brink of starvation right now Fuck off pretending you're trying to help them This is disgusting
"half"? you're not too bright huh
Trump will increase the frequency and volumes of arms sales to Israel so he definitely will not improve the lives of Palestinians. As a “real estate guy” he wholly approves of land and property theft to boot. Dude is entirely for sale, just have to dress it up like he is putting one over on you.
Yup. Thanks for digging it up.
nobody actually believes that he'd be better. what they believe is that Biden is already unconscionable
“we’re not gonna vote for Biden because of his support for Israel. Yes, this might lead to the hypothetical scenario where we help elect trump, and thereby make things 20x worse for the oppressed across the globe, especially the Palestinians, but sometimes you gotta uh yeah you know”
People like that are utter hypocrites.
they're mostly people directly affected by this
We hate Jews and democrats, and the Palestinians were handy, would be a more honest response. Mommy and Daddy will be so sorry, would be even more so.
Skeptical?? Respectfully, Prof., he says he wants to “finish the problem.” Gaza will be razed and depopulated within a year of his taking office.
Put Schumer has become a Palestinian in with the Hamas loves Biden irony hall of fame
Doesnt sound like a claim more than 10 people in the world have made, are you perhaps crossing streams for rhetorical convenience by any chance
Purposeful misrepresentation or simply incapable of comprehending that the argument is not that Trump would be better but that VOTING FOR FUCKING GENOCIDE IS A FOD DAMNED RED LINE AND THIS SHOULD NOT BE FUCKING CONTROVERSIAL YOU DEPRAVED ASSHOLE.
Much as I hate Biden's horrifically bad response to Gaza, I have to agree with you. If Trump gets back in, his Christian Zionist allies will push for even more extreme measures. And he's stupid enough to listen to them.
No it will not improve the lives of anyone; excepting those who directly support him. For the rest of us it will be the loss of everything we hold dear.
They are saying it in this thread if you scroll a bit
so i scrolled to this end of thread & not one respondent states trump better
I am not skeptical at all that a massive number of Palestinians will be slaughtered should that come to pass.
Skeptical?? Trump would shut down the whole conflict, move (or kill off) Palestinians and have Jared building condos on the sea before Passover.
We know - both candidates are down with mass murder and hate Palestinians. So the Middle East is gonna have to make whoever the American president is consider the consequences of abetting Israel's policy of mass murder. There's no candidate against the mass murder, period.
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