
I understand pessimism and worry in response to the Supreme Court greatly expanding the degree to which the president is above the law and permitted to coup without consequence. But don't underestimate the upside scenario. It really all comes down to the election. If Trump loses, we can fix a lot.
2024: Stopping Trump, Renewing Next year is about more than defeating a wannabe dictator—it’s also an opportunity for a grand reaffirmation of democracy.
Fine. We win the election, which Trump will contest -- all the way up to the Supreme Court.
the GOP has to lose up and down the ticket if there's any hope to undo this mess
I don't know. We need a constitutional convention, or at least a debate on one. Another rogue presidency and an authoritarian judiciary aren't what Americans signed up for.
“By any means necessary”
I didn’t know the Olympic powerlifting event was today; “If” is doing so much lifting there!
Oh dear. What happened at the last election. Do you not think it will happen again, but much more organized?