
Please for the love of God Biden end the slaughter in Gaza so I can go canvas in Michigan
New CBS poll: "Nationwide, Republicans are more likely than Democrats to say they will definitely turn out in 2024. And Republicans currently have a similarly sized turnout advantage across the battleground states, undergirding Trump's edge with likely voters there."
Trump gets edge over Biden nationally and across battlegrounds after debate as Democrats' turnout in question — CBS News Following debate, age factors in, and race shifts in Trump's direction after the first 2024 presidential debate.
I could not in good faith look folks in the eye and tell them they should still vote for Biden so long as this is going on, and I wouldn't hold it against folks who would cuss me out if I did
I still can’t wrap my head around how he’s so obsessed with how much he has to be allowed to do a genocide. Until I remember I grew up with white Catholics who talk exactly like he does about Gaza. It’s vile.
On the upside you are still allowed to freely criticize the sitting President
These are the same guys who predicted a red wave