
The Amish have been doing this for like 400 years and no one's had a problem with them because unlike these people they're not trying to establish a white Christofascist state
"Their rhetoric can sound expansive to the point of opacity. 'As the great men of the West bequeathed their deeds to us, so must we leave a legacy for our children,' the group’s website proclaims." Yeah, um... ...that's only opaque if you don't know what the Fourteen Words are
If you want to establish a tight-knit Christ-based community it's actually incredibly easy to do in this country just go find a cheap piece of land in middle-of-nowhere Iowa and set up the community quit your bitching
Interesting how the Amish are kind of fetishized in evangelical spaces — it’s not Amish women reading the romance subgenre based on them, it’s evangelicals, for example.