Kylie Sertic

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Kylie Sertic

Studying Conflict Analysis and Resolution at the Carter School at GMU. Formerly in journalism. Opinions my own. She/her
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keep thinking about this w/r/t the press relentlessly promoting a "Trump adopting a unifying message after the shooting" story. The MAGA freaks think it's hilarious that the press is so stupid and they're not even really wrong.
I think honestly a key to Trump's popularity. He inverted the theatrical aspect from one where the Meet The Press class were in on the joke and the conservative voters were the rubes, to one where the conservative chuds were in on the joke and the DC crowd were the rubes
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"The violence unleashed on innocent protestors, who had nothing but flags, placards, & their voices, has now put the political class in a fight for its survival against a leaderless, youth-led, & decentralized movement that it cannot cajole into dialogue."
Kenya’s third liberation It's no longer just about the finance bill. Kenyans want fundamental change.
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News: I'm heading to Kansas next week to mark the one year anniversary of the police raid on the Marion County Record as part of a multi-story project in partnership with As an independent journo, this trip is self-funded. Help support my efforts!
SCOOP: The Kansas newspaper raided Friday by cops had been investigating allegations of sexual misconduct by the chief of police at his previous job. Read my full convo with Eric Meyer, publisher of the Marion County Record:
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also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, and the second-best time is now.
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
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multiple protesters and a journalist were shot
Nationwide protests and general strike called in Kenya today.
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the future is yours, friends. yours and mine. it’s what we want to make of it. there are terrible possibilities ahead of us, but they are not certainties, and you do not have to and should not comply in advance with them. it’s your future, man, fucking throw some punches for it.
let them crash into the wall and let their ships sink to the bottom of the ocean. let us watch the waves sing their eulogies. let us sing a song of freedom in every language spoken in this land. this land is ours, not theirs, and the future is ours, not theirs.
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This should be the first question every reporter asks Vance
Pray tell why Donald Trump isn't using the VP he had when he was in office...
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they want and need everyone to believe that it is hopeless and that nothing matters and that nothing will ever get better, but, like, they’re wrong. they’re liars. they lie, depression lies, this whole thing is a fucking con to get you to think that submission is better than liberty.
these people cannot win and they know it, their entire schtick is pretending that the reich on the march will keep everyone quiet and scared, but, again, we do not have to believe them, and if we do not, they lose.
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these people cannot win and they know it, their entire schtick is pretending that the reich on the march will keep everyone quiet and scared, but, again, we do not have to believe them, and if we do not, they lose.
sure. fuck these people. we do not have to agree with them. they are a minority. i am not going to spend the next four months cowering in dread and fear.
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also for people who aren't used to these, remember WARNING IS THE BAD ONE. If they say warning, GET TO AN INTERIOR ROOM. LOWEST FLOOR! NO WINDOWS!
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Anyway, when I saw the one person telling JB that he should drive DoorDash, a morally and ethically impeccable capitalist enterprise built on exploiting gig labor, instead of writing for the NYT I was like "ah okay, so we are not being serious here"
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Reupping post, because scholars interested in discussing how Project 2025 goals match JD Vance’s will find many, many examples on social media right now, and right now, people will very much be looking for intelligent, expert pieces about this. Drive the narrative.
Junior Scholars: Project 2025 is now breaking through to public consciousness. The more people learn about it, the more they hate it. Now is a great time to search that website, go to the section of your expertise, and write an oped. Keep the drip of bad news for them coming, all the way to Nov.
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So my take is we shouldn't get too distracted by the Appalachia debate. Hillbilly Elegy was a smokescreen. He's been a VC-funded fascist from the beginning who happened upon a very old narrative to use. Frankly we lost the battle over it bc he got what he wanted. Fight him like a normal fascist.
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Vance was Heritage's pick so don't forget about Project 2025, which proceeds apace
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The Republican line now is that the shooting was caused by Dems saying Trump is a threat to democracy, and they’re doing that because it’s a big and true thing they want Dems to stop saying.
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Ronald Reagan could have died. He was in surgery for hours. Everyone thought they could be witnessing the death of another President. It traumatized a nation. Regan was a son of a bitch, but the world held its breath. Trump scratched his ear, fell down and went golfing. It's not the same.
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This is an old and powerful principle that's utterly contradictory to capitalism, so a lot of effort's been expended to bury it.
By the way, I think it’s telling how high a premium ancient mythology, from *countless* cultures, placed on the importance of hospitality and guest right and the sacred bond between guest/charity-seeker and host/benefactor, and how modern myth, religion, and folklore has almost forgotten it as…
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In case you missed it: My Tusk post on how the GOP's 2024 platform differs from other modern ones.
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I don’t remember Senator Lee calling for turning the political temperature down during all the attacks against abortions providers and clinics and patients…ever…
Impressive chutzpah from Sen. Mike Lee! "We’ve got to take the political temperature down ... We call on President Biden to immediately order that all federal criminal charges against President Trump be dropped, and to ask the governors of New York and Georgia to do the same."
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This is how you do it.
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This is NYT’s portrait of a Trump rally, where the explicit agenda was putting millions of people in concentration camps before deporting them.
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There are going to be strong pressures censor or to equate any sort of criticism as a provocation. For example, both political parties claim the other creates risks of abuse of public powers. Journalists, academics or other experts have an obligation to establish which of those claims are credible.
If you don't want political violence and intimidation to be normalized, you should avoid encouraging it, or supporting political movements that encourage it.
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"... it's all going to be a bit too much to take if we're also to be blamed by the bullies who made this world for us, when they suddenly take some shrapnel and have to confront a reality that will not be denied, which is that they don't get to live in a different world from the rest of us..."
Well I'm given to understand that today & for a VERY limited time, our nation's political violence party is shocked—shocked!—to learn that we currently live in a world of normalized political violence, and would like very much to know who is to blame. Full Essay:
Gambling In Being blamed for a world of political violence by the people who force us to live in it, and are now shocked-shocked!—by it. Navigating the daily trauma of living in a bully's paradise.
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The mediocre, at times ludicrous opinion essays being published today are beyond parody. They are absurd. Again, bring back shame. The shit people will put their government names on!!!!
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Project 2025 calls for defunding the FBI. (Note that Heritage called the FBI to start an investigation of the hacking incident the other day. Yes they called the agency they plan to shutter if Trump wins 🤷🏼‍♂️)
from now until Election Day, we connect every story back to Project 2025 Eg: The FBI is currently investigating the Trump shooter. But did you know that Project 2025 will place the FBI under Trump’s direct control, so he can decide which acts of political violence get investigated, and which don’t?