
there's a certain combination of preachiness and pedantry that wouldn't make people feel so damn superior if they really realized how it shapes their community, and there is definitely more of it here than I would like
I think I hate this website. A third of the randos on here are the rudest fuckers without reading comprehension I’ve come across in ages, and I work as a trans woman in an almost entirely male industry.
I say this as someone who has known for some time that I have certain innate drives toward preachiness and pedantry, which I often struggle to control. I'm not blameless, but some of y'all aren't even trying.
It is very weird to run into crowd of web users who are so self-certain and yet dismissive of others
Maybe the weirdest quirk about this app is that it’s attracted people who are condescendingly ultra-liberal in their posting demeanor and scorn for more radical groups, but also: people who are way more TV and clip-obsessed than any group of serious activists/DSA types they profess are too detached.
I have been through so much abuse from Musk stans for so long that this kind of stuff probably annoys me a lot less than it does normal, well-adjusted people. Like, there are hundreds of flavors of annoying I will endure for a space where Musk fans specifically don't feel safe posting their views
Yeah, same, I’ve been floating thru annoying ppl for decades now. I’m not going anywhere, but it’s been surreal to see ppl jammed full of resentments and lore from other sites and ready to say their piece here about it. Feels strained and a little *too* revealing about folks.
People are willing to speak authoritatively about so many things where I just want to shout "Damn it, Jim! I'm a [physicist], not a [???]!" in my best Leonard "Bones" McCoy voice.