
FYI: Ari Emanuel is also best pals with Elon Musk. He's the guy hosing down a pasty, bloated Elon on his yacht in those horrifying pictures from two summers ago. Maybe that context matters to you, maybe it doesn't, just putting it out there.
ok no fooling he just lost the brother of the former chief of staff of the administration he was VP for. donezo
i mean political megadonor and bundler puts you in a pretty exclusive echelon of asshole and this one is on team blue, not to mention brother of Obama's former Chief of Staff which i think kind of means something in terms of how the foundations of the party apparatus are shifting
i dont think he's really team blue. he's one of the many billionaire or billionaire-adjacent bros who pretend to be team blue so he can fuck with team blue
his brother was chief of staff for Obama. what kind of conspiracy are we working on here
Obama was extremely good to Elon, Biden hasn't been. I don't think it's so out there to suggest that their loyalties are drifting with/toward Musk, away from Biden. All they seem to care about is money and power, and I can't see any of them suffering much under another Trump administration.
(I assume this is close to what you mean by "foundations shifting")