
Gambling is causing an occupational health and safety crisis for athletic workers and the leagues they work for and sports media complex are entirely responsible because, as always, in capitalism value comes first and the worker might as well be dead at the end of the day.
Also, people are literally asking players to Venmo them the money they lost on bets.
Here are the threats that one gambler sent just to a single Rays player. The sports media complex is begging for this to happen by promoting gambling ubiquitously.
Is there some way to minimize this shit? I instinctually support legalized gambling because of a general live and let live attitude, but this is horrible.
A good starting place would be not to allow gambling companies to advertise through the leagues and in the sports media more broadly. Even if the practice is legal, the promotion can be regulated!
and was, extremely strictly, until pretty regularly. there should be no reason to bet on the San Diego Padres outside of Kumeyaay or Luiseño sovereign land tbh anyway but ESPN is all but saying “just dial your VPN to Nevada bro its fine”
There's definitely a distinct feeling of before and after as a sports watcher because it's incessant. I can't open my sports app without being punched in the face with another way to bet.
A better start would have been just the first 11 words of your post
Arrest and jail the people who make death threats, for starters.
Prohibit any sports team and anybody arranging matches or stadiums or equivalent from being involved in gambling to start with. Then restrict promotion of gambling and restrict volumes of gambling. Gambling debt should be impossible, don't allow credits or loans for gambling.
I know some gambling addicts and they will take out a HELOC on a paid off house, lose that house to the bank, and then cash out their retirement to keep feeding their brain chemical problems
Don’t make sports betting an app on your phone that you can ruin your life on from the toilet, first off
It involves Barbara Pitting these assholes
You should see what they send to female tennis players. Rape & death threats
Isn’t this a straight up felony?
a player is 10000000 percent going to get killed
And their league will be an accomplice!
And the televised public memorial event will be sponsored by DraftKings
Oof, so cynical and so true. Seems guaranteed to happen at this point.
This right here is what especially bothers me. The fact that you can make a choice—influenced by advertising and psychology, etc., but a choice—that involves huge financial risk no one is making you take on and then demand to be made whole when it doesn’t pan out is cartoonishly stupid behavior.