
Judge Glanville has now ordered a show cause hearing to determine why the witness and his attorney should be held in contempt for, presumably, violating Judge/Prosecutor Confidentiality
I have to ask, is this the judicial equivalent of just posting through it?
No, this has real consequences and can send people to jail unjustly before someone else cleans up
fortunately judges and prosecutors have absolute immunity from suit, so we're all good there!
As I read the order: Judge Glanville is ordering, among others, Judge Glanville to appear before Judge Glanville to show cause or else Judge Glanville will have his bailiffs arrest Judge Glanville. Not the most important point, granted, but just poor draftsmanship.
How deep can this hole they're digging possibly go?
Will the bailiff show up willingly, or will he be directed to haul his own ass into court?
I was just looking for a gif for this one. You beat me to it.
It might have been better if I had just posted this:
Or just refer to the judge as 🍓
As long as I never appeared in front of him and so did not have to risk a word retrieval issue
This seems circular. The court was issued with a question of contempt, which the court needs to now investigate. But the underlying dissemination of information, to the extent the court previously ordered should not be disclosed, could not have been lawfully given.
Look, he's angry someone violated the "sanctity" of a judge's chambers, why are you bringing the law into this!? /s Can you imagine what he does if someone parks in his assigned space at court?
We had a (now former) ALJ who used to use someone else's parking placard to steal disabled parking spaces in front of a Social Security hearing office.
Did it previously order it not disclosed? And what power did it have to do so? We don’t know the former since they won’t release the transcript. And they certainly shouldn’t have had the hearing. (It’s possible you’re being sarcastic and in which case ignore this)
Is this something where a writ of prohibition could be used under Georgia law? I’d already have one filed if this happened in WV.
This is the same witness and lawyer where the prosecution was trying to say the lawyer should be allowed to leave because Copeland hand purged his contempt by testifying? I wonder if this is why the judge was insistent about Copeland getting 10 days to decide?
I don't know, but he ultimately did release the lawyer (except for the show cause obligation), and Copeland is now testifying unrepresented.
On a massive federal capital 2255 with 5 other attorneys and our group chat today has been only this
Everyone who’s not a cop takes the Fifth, I assume….
Could this, in any conceivable way, be used to help everyone back out of what’s happened already, but help save face? Or is this their version of someone is going to jail we just haven’t decided who yet? (Not a lawyer, in case my question doesn’t make it obvious!)