Moon-faced Assassin of Joy

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Moon-faced Assassin of Joy

⚠ Not as funny as he thinks he is

ADHD, TTRPGs, Queer Shit, Nerd Shit, History, Animals. Will yell about Star Trek on demand.

Queer, Disabled, He/Him

🐘@[email protected]

📌 Denver
Or maybe I should end it like this: MIT did a map using cell phone data showing not money, but calls/texts. Who do people engage with socially? Similar to Where's George, above, you wind up with cultural divisions that don't cleanly follow state lines:
Or like this - an attempt to divide the US into 100 states of equal population (by dalce63, here: It puts Alaska with "Cascadia" and Hawaii with "Pacifica," because there's no division that'll put .2% and .11% of the US population as their own states if evened out.
By comparison, 71% of Americans have, without similar opportunities. Also, 20% of Canadians have only been to one other country; given proximity, that's likely to be the US. As for Australia, 90% of the population lives on 3% of the land. 85% lives specifically in the South-eastern metro areas:
That arc, from Adelaide to Brisbane, is about the size of California. Longer, narrower, but close. So - massive, but sparsely populated. They are a member of another nation's commonwealth, with strong ties to it. But they're also super remote, and it's hard to get anywhere, except by long flight.
Comparing us to other large anglophone nations: Canada and Australia have additional things going on, particularly with how their populations are distributed - 90% of Canada lives within 150 miles of the US border, which is closer than any neighboring states are to me. 72% live below this red line.
It also makes me think about this map, from the data that Where's George was able to generate. It shows the borders across which money mostly doesn't travel, and is a pretty good map of our broad economic and cultural divide. The darker the line, the stronger the border.
Thinking (semi-regular thought!) about conceptions of distance between the US and the UK, so copying over a thread from the bad place. Not as in the "100 miles is a long way, 100 years is a long time" bit, but more how land is divided. In the UK, you can never be more than 70m/113km from the Sea.
CW: Pet Death I just got the news from Harley's human that this exceptional good boy, this 200lb lapdog, this absolute goober, passed in his sleep last night. I met Harley on a random walk, asked if I could pet him, and got warned, "Yes, he's friendly, but he also makes only one terrifying noise."
My last day dogsitting Harley for now, so we're having floor hangs
When I kneeled down, and he let out his best "I'm a mastiff and you're going to die" boof, and I didn't flinch, two things happened simultaneously. He ran up to me for pets, and his human asked if I was interested in dog sitting. And... of course I was. Look at him.
Did you know that maybe dogs can have carrots and apples and hummus too?
I only got to know him for about two years - and it feels wrong that that should be a full quarter of his life. I'm glad I got to love him while he was here.
A week or so ago, I got to watch him for a day. He was... tired. The stairs were clearly a bigger deal than they used to be; he was far more interested in leaning on you and getting loved on than playing tug. I was hopeful it wasn't a sign. But I got a chance to say goodbye, for which I'm grateful.
Walking Harley. In order to bypass the "I refuse to walk more" as soon as this 200lb lap dog pees, I've resorted to hiding treats in my hand and pockets. As someone who is also food motivated, i get it.
You were the best, Harley. I loved you from the moment I met you.
Like this style of outer metal ring.
Kimchi and cheddar sourdough from my neighborhood bakery. I'm not going to miss this apartment, but the neighborhood is going to be hard to beat.
Folks get the quote wrong; it's "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." With Gay Pride month ended, we're now in Gay Destruction month - then August will be Gay Haughty Spirit month, which I'm personally looking forward to, and then we'll be ready for Gay Fall.
Just this guy, floating around with a skeletor voice, with a mannequin body dangling underneath him that he's operating by mage hand, while a cloak does its best to hide the whole setup.
Walking Harley. In order to bypass the "I refuse to walk more" as soon as this 200lb lap dog pees, I've resorted to hiding treats in my hand and pockets. As someone who is also food motivated, i get it.
We have returned, and Harley has reverted to his liquid state.
It also helped me get a (brief and ultimately poorly fitting) job at a kid's bookstore, where part of my job was making the window signs.
I really had too much fun with that lobby sign. No room in the alt text; the last one reads "Hot Pork-Splosion Topper - Bacon, Diced & Thick-Cut Pepperoni, Ham, Jalapenos, Mozzarella, and Banana Peppers on a Marinara Base, the #1 choice of day shift managers cheating on their diets."
As well as trading chalkboard art to a local wing place in exchange for free wings.
It's based originally on a pizza we had at the pizza place we both worked at, the CBR. Both it and the Jerk Chicken were among the best pizzas on the menu, and when they got taken off we put an obituary in the lobby.
I really had too much fun with that lobby sign. No room in the alt text; the last one reads "Hot Pork-Splosion Topper - Bacon, Diced & Thick-Cut Pepperoni, Ham, Jalapenos, Mozzarella, and Banana Peppers on a Marinara Base, the #1 choice of day shift managers cheating on their diets."
Oh chancellor my chancellor.
In happier pride news, found an artist at pride who is part of a trio called Atomic Pixies (, who had some fantastic prints and pins. Had, among other things, a whole set of planets personified. I of course went with the Ninth House. We do bones, motherfucker.
It was on both sides - the station had lines stretching in both directions, and the water pressure was limited, so filling up 6 water bottles at once had it moving at a snails pace.
And when I see one on the street, I don't feel the pit of my stomach drop. I just see my city, my community, supporting itself.
Always green, even during droughts, with non-native grasses and constant irrigation. For the oldest country club west of the Mississippi, formed in 1887, with membership by invitation only. And big ass walls to hammer home the separation.
True trans Sapphic rep: trying to annoy your partner.