
They definitely can be, and I call that shit out whenever I see it. It’s fucked up to judge people by their looks, regardless of gender. I just think there can be an added threat of malice or even violence when men do it.
I don’t think a lot of women realize just how cruel girls and women can be to men they don’t find attractive. It’s the same thing…
women and girls very rarely have the ability to go through their lives being dismissive of large swaths of men and boys. there is a power differential between the genders
Can you explain a little how that power differential appears? Like an example. I feel like i get this post but i can’t really think of an example
mike pence can go through his whole life refusing to have one on one meetings with women. women can simply not do that with men
Thanks! I forgot about that one. Also like men being in positions to hire people more often?
yeah and in positions like professors and stuff. you can go through your whole life never taking women seriously and get away with it way easier than doing so with men, and there's no institutional pressure for women to behave like that toward men, so it's much less worth our time to discuss
There are cultures that enforce exactly this. Of course, these cultures wind up being shit for women, but.