
But I guess the fallback is they'll find some Destiny Church member who was sacked from the army for sadism to do it, and then say "we had no idea!" when it turns into an entirely predictable abuse-fest and shitshow
I was just going to say, some group with a worrying history of child abuse is going to stick their hand up.
And the Minister will order that that history be ignored and the contract awarded, because the program starting on-time is more important to them than the safety of children.
Unfortunately there are a number of totally inappropriate people who will be keen to do it and the inevitable abuse will be ignored.
Assuming National doesn't give them a civil and criminal indemnity in their desperation to find a contractor.
The problem is nobody in authority will believe these kids when/if they complain.
Any required commission of inquiry into abuse won't happen until these guys political careers are long over, why would they care?
Exactly. IBG, YBG, someone else's problem.
Exactly. Not that they care about anyone outside their privileged circle anyway.
Ha! was just thinking the exact same scenario!
I'm gonna put my hand up to run it. I'll take the money, take all the kids out for pizza, then send them home with the change. From that $10 million. Guaranteed better results than this boot camp bullshit.
Still think is a joke. Can we send Mitchell and all the clowns to the internment camp first?
But indoctrination by kapa haka coaches is bad?
1/2 I'm sure I heard the following 2 things before the election, but can no longer find them. Are you able to find them & give me pointers please. 1. (I think by Chris Luxon) The boot camps will be on defense land, but not staffed by the NZDF.
2/2 2. (Another senior Nat) Boot camps will be run by community groups ... church groups. At the time I wondered if this was going to be churches we heard about in the royal commission or Luxon's secret church. Thanks
The one redeeming feature of this govt; relentless, deep-seated, irremediable, fucking incompetence & stupidity The rate at which their "Great Ideas"™️ are executed will mean practically none of them have borne fruit by the time they need to start campaigning again, but the damage will be "clear"
C.A.R.E Conservative Abuse Resistance Education Just say NO to abusive politically motivated Tory bullshit!!
It needs a leader to run it. I vote for Bill.