Dr. Lucianne Walkowicz

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Dr. Lucianne Walkowicz


Astronomer, movement artist, & educator based in Chicago 🛸 Founder, Not Not Rocket Science ✨Co-founder, the JustSpace Alliance 🚀they/them causing mayhem
If you have a project languishing somewhere that you want to get moving, check out Make It Real— six weeks of focused time and structure-building to help make that little seed of an idea into reality https://notnotrocketscience.com/products/make-it-real
Last week to grab a spot in my upcoming workshops! If you want to up your presentation/public speaking game, check out Give An Amazing Talk! Makes a great professional development gift for students or mentees who need help presenting: https://notnotrocketscience.com/products/give-an-amazing-talk
Rising right-wing star Richard Hanania, championed by tech moguls Peter Thiel, Elon Musk, and Substack co-founder Hamish McKenzie, exposed as a nazi sympathizer and self-described "race realist" who advocated for the forced sterilization of Black people under a pen name. @letsgomathias.bsky.social
This Man Has The Ear Of Billionaires — And A White Supremacist Past He Kept A Secretwww.huffpost.com Hanania is championed by tech moguls and a U.S. senator, but HuffPost found he used a pen name to become an important figure in the “alt-right.”
I'm about to be demolished, 1 share =1 hp lol but fr my main gig was socials on Twitter & that's gone & all my freelance invoices are overdue + unpaid so I'm drowning, any help is appreciated🙏🏿 http://www.paypal.me/ThatJayJustice https://www.venmo.com/ThatJayJustice https://cash.me/$ThatJayJustice
Worth a read if you want some insight into ideas floating around the echo-chamber minds of "visionary" tech-bro billionaires. Thanks to @notnotrocketscience.com for making this publicly available.
Today I wrote about Nauru, the island that Gabe Bankman-Fried wanted to buy to build and apocalypse bunker for "effective altruists" https://www.patreon.com/posts/nauru-and-of-86457999
==The Bluesky Breeze (v2.4)== What's Trending every 10 mins ==Analysis== Posts: 1,719 Words: 869 Emojis: 11 ⚠️🌀 CAT. 1: mid ⚠️🌀 CAT. 1: 🏳️‍⚧️ In solidarity, words I believe SHOULD still trend: APOLOGY APOLOGIZE @bsky.app @jay.bsky.team response Black voices minority antiblackness racist
Like this isn’t even just the race , it’s how the disregard of moderation makes completely unworkable systems and them making sais overworked dev explain sais coding after 12 hours Instead of handing it out to someone to report out understandably
TWO of them on the backend for ~300,000 users. he posted this at 2am est. go on github, look how much daniel's been doing. nearly 12 solid hours & they feed him to the goddamn wolves like this. monumental fuckup in leadership if you ask me. i'll just say it: jay needs to step up here or step down
We keep going until zero tolerance of antiblackness on Black users is enacted. Like you can’t cuss in your handle but you can use multiple racial slurs bc those aren’t on the list of disallowed words??? COME ON
Please support striking workers in the way they’ve asked for. Instead of a viewer boycott, which they haven’t asked for, can you commit to donating to the strike fund, which they have? Maybe an amount equal to what you pay for streaming each month, for even one of the streamers, if not all?
I think we should be talking about a viewer's strike right now. Cut off the streaming services at least, until an agreement is reached with WGA and SAG. Maybe no movies as well? What do you think?
For those of you who think painting Starlink black solves the problem for astronomy 🧪🔭 , check out this new paper showing they also emit "unintended"(=unregulated) signals detectable by low-frequency radio arrays. And btw who should have the right to change the way the sky looks for all humans?!?!
Unintended electromagnetic radiation from Starlink satellites detected with LOFAR between 110 and 18...www.aanda.org Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A) is an international journal which publishes papers on all aspects of astronomy and astrophysics
We keep going until zero tolerance of antiblackness on Black users is enacted. Like you can’t cuss in your handle but you can use multiple racial slurs bc those aren’t on the list of disallowed words??? COME ON
We keep going until Bluesky writes a fucking apology to Black users on here and their failure on addressing antiblackness. We keep going until Bluesky hires trust and safety personnel. We keep going until zero tolerance of antiblackness on Black users is enacted.
We keep going until Bluesky writes a fucking apology to Black users on here and their failure on addressing antiblackness. We keep going until Bluesky hires trust and safety personnel. We keep going until zero tolerance of antiblackness on Black users is enacted.
Someone just confirmed and tested for me: Fuck cant be used as a handle. So cuss words are filtered but not slurs. Take that info with what you will. They KNOW. Fuck that. Yall rlly said no cuss words in handle but allow slurs against marginalized people.
CW: Racist slur mentioned Also here are the handles confirmed to work according to several N---er without the s is still possible. The C word ending in K that is slur against asian. K word that is slur against jewish people :) I got time BlueSky. Marginalized ppl shouldnt see this.
Was recommended Against Purity at the Space Science in Context conference (be on the lookout for the next one, they're wonderful!) and it really transformed my thinking. Highly recommend.
Inspired by questions from @peterhaas.bsky.social and @maryrobinette.bsky.social around ethics over the last day, I wanted to share some work by Alexis Shotwell, whose book Against Purity has been a huge influence on me https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/against-purity
Against Puritywww.upress.umn.edu Why contamination and compromise might be a starting point for doing something, instead of a reason to give up
A couple of years ago my youngest recommended this book to me. I read it. Found the author on the bird app and had her on my podcast. Alexis and I will be doing a workshop retreat in Tatamagouche NS this fall based on my book Becoming Kin and her current work on claiming unwanted kin. #Indigenous
Inspired by questions from @peterhaas.bsky.social and @maryrobinette.bsky.social around ethics over the last day, I wanted to share some work by Alexis Shotwell, whose book Against Purity has been a huge influence on me https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/against-purity
Against Puritywww.upress.umn.edu Why contamination and compromise might be a starting point for doing something, instead of a reason to give up
re-posting for the daytime skyline! I help people figure out and travel their own path with integrity-- and I have a bunch of workshops coming up! check em out here: https://notnotrocketscience.com/learning
🌟I posted new workshops dates today!🌟Navigating a career shift? Want to level up your speaking game? Hoping to make a stalled dream project into reality? Let’s make it happen (+ I’m having a summer sale on my speaking workshop, Give an Amazing Talk!) https://notnotrocketscience.com/learning
Learn. — Official Website of Dr. Lucianne Walkowicznotnotrocketscience.com
🌟I posted new workshops dates today!🌟Navigating a career shift? Want to level up your speaking game? Hoping to make a stalled dream project into reality? Let’s make it happen (+ I’m having a summer sale on my speaking workshop, Give an Amazing Talk!) https://notnotrocketscience.com/learning
Learn. — Official Website of Dr. Lucianne Walkowicznotnotrocketscience.com
it’s right there in the name of “french guiana” it makes me sooo rabid
To put a finer point on it: astronomers specifically should probably stop framing colonization as a mistake that happened in the past while actively engaged in colonial processes re: telescope sites 👀 the colonization is… coming from inside the house
I’ve also noticed an uptick in the number of people who describe, as part of wanting to go to space, that they don’t want to reproduce the “mistakes” of colonization on earth… “mistake” is an absolutely BUCK WILD way of describing an intentional process