
As a formal matter, it's true the delegates would be unbound and Harris wouldn't automatically be the nominee. But these pie in the sky schemes for some American Idol competition are nonsense, because no matter what the formal process is, nobody who matters will challenge Harris for the nomination.
Hey you guys wanna see the dumbest plan to replace Biden possible?
Challenger list will look like the 2003 CA Gov Recall race. This will not be a good look for dems!
That happened because California had extremely easy ballot access, so a bunch of joke candidates could file and get on the ballot. Not really applicable here. There's no 'getting on the ballot' except at the convention with some minimum threshold of delegate support, which nobody else would meet.
What is the mechanism for determining who gets to "throw their hat in the ring" and chat with Taylor Swift?
Because at this point, I hereby declare that my hat is in the ring!
Under this proposal (which is just some memo this professor wrote), it'd be the top six with no minimum threshold. So, like, even one delegate potentially. But that's dumb and not how it would actually work. You set a minimum threshold, 10% of the delegates or whatever.
I don't have it offhand but I recall there's already something like this in the DNC rules. To be recognized for the roll call a candidate must have, I want to say one fifth but something like that, of the delegates co-nominating them. That's how you make sure you're not flooded with fringe nobodies.
So Dean Phillips can announce he's running again, or whoever, but it'd be the equivalent in a regular election of failing to make the ballot.