
Alito wants ppl to think Dems want “complete power”. But Ds just want to maintain pluralism&ability for parties to compete fairly. Pretending Ds want total control is a way to convince people that the Republican power grab is in self-defense. From
"It's ALWAYS projection" is a useful rule I find.
It's wild that the idea of giving people the mere OPTION to have abortions, IVF, or gender-affirming care is seen as a totalitarian imposition on people who oppose those procedures. They truly see themselves as earthbound soldiers for their god, enforcing his will.
It's so offensive to them that we have free will.
They’ll tell you god gave us free will and that god will judge you for how you use it, but then they’re too frightened by it. So they rationalize that they’re enforcing god’s will by stopping you themselves.
I must be the guy Alito is thinking of, because I actually do want the dems to wield complete power and declare the GOP a terrorist organization
I don’t know why this got five whole likes in the past couple days but I still want this It would be the sweetest poetic justice to fuckin Gitmo the lot of them and have it be 100% legally justifiable (SCOTUS be damned) — or at least justifiable in the eyes of history/the world
One might argue "the left" feels so strongly that certain policy prescriptions would be good for all that they'd seek "total control" to implement them. But the idea that capital-D Dems want total control is laughable. They're always looking for ways to avoid policies that challenge capital.
was thinking the same. Nowadays "liberals" insist strongly on policies guided by science, facts, empiricism, human rights taken together it gels into some sort of concept of a predominant 'natural order' I imagine that to some this may start to feel like a sinsiter puch to grab total control.
*puch = push but like I said, some oversell it as a putch....
This. Every fascist/authoritarian movement characterizes itself as defending against insidious and overwhelming enemies. It is the fundamental belief that justifies increasingly extreme measures to confront, persecute, and ultimately eradicate them.
Christian Nationalists want to be free to discriminate and to know that no LGBT person is happy
This is some bizarro world nonsense, as though pre-Dobbs, states were herding helpless Catholics into abortion clinics or something.
That's always how they frame things - as if we were forcing people into abortions, marrying same-sex partners, and putting solar on their homes. I mean, I admit I would GLADLY force them to give up their guns, OK, but mostly, I'm "you do you, I just get to exist in public (in front of your kid) OK?"
A bedrock belief of conservatism: "Given half a chance, they will surely do to us what we've been doing to them for centuries."
There are “those who want complete power” and they aren’t being subtle about it and he’s 💯 on board for it. He even has flags…
For my entire adult life, the ongoing conservative rationalization has been "we know Dems are cheating even though we have no evidence, so we *have* to cheat or they'd have an unfair advantage!"
“All politicians are corrupt; it’s just that Democrats are sneaky liars about it, unlike honest Republicans”
i think in the “fiasco” pod they got 2000 bush vets to say in effect “we stole it to stop them from stealing it”
If you're an authoritarian, the people pushing for pluralism *are* vying for complete power.
Oh please. They want complete power. I don't recall other justices speaking so partisanly.
Yep. Same exact language the planter-class used to justify secession, too.
It's always accusation in a mirror to justify the impulses of the authoritarian, who needs enemies in order to exist
"What are they giving themselves permission to do?"
Cool! Exactly how the Indonesian govt justified killing over a million "communists"