
“Plans are already in motion to use this new, historic court decision as a legal shield to help a potential second Trump administration implement his extreme policy agenda with less concern for rules and laws, sources with knowledge of the matter say.”
So there’s the decision as a legal document, and the legal consequences that come from it. Then there’s the message that MAGA supporters take from it. I bet some of them already see the message as “the law is ours now.” What will they do now? Will they allow black people in swing states to vote?
Trump certainly appears to be taking away the message “the law is mine now”
Fuckin called it
John Roberts: "Let's give Al Capone total immunity, nothing bad could possibly happen". Roberts is a corrupt idiot who was nominated by a fellow idiot, George W. Bush, who is now protecting a fellow corrupt idiot, Trump.
Trump committed felonies to become president (campaign-finance felonies), then committed more felonies when he was president by falsifying business records to hide those earlier felonies. Now he wants to say falsifying business records to hide felonies is an official act of a President.
Be aware of your surroundings if you are in a vulnerable minority. Have plans to leave your area if sheltering is no longer viable. Travel with friends if possible. Know the local laws on weapons if you have to leave your state. This isn't theory anymore.