
Stuff like this is super important for calibrating public opinion wrt SC reform. If the party’s leader refuses to shame this ratfucking Court then what’s the public supposed to do? You can only do so much to change opinion from the bottom-up. Democracy dies when elites are scared / ignorant babies.
1. Biden deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks says he's "scared as shit" by the Supreme Court's ruling giving Trump immunity 2. Biden deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks says Biden deeply respects the Supreme Court and refuses to use any power he has to challenge it
THIS!!! I was just blocked by some guy who was sharing this same post of Jon's & defending the administration's lack of response. Saying give them a day to think about it. Like w/ Dobbs, they've had MONTHS to game out responses for various scenarios—this being about the worst. Why didn't they??!!
I’m old enough to remember that this administration ran on “being the competent adults” and yet there’s a distinct lack of preparation for lots of foreseeable crises. Sure seems weird!