Nick Davis

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Nick Davis

political scientist at football-u, outdoorsperson, gardener of two small humans, PI @, co-comrade @
The medias obsession (not Greg) w insider party politics at expense of covering fascist chickenshits is how democracy dies. Ordinary ppl are only as good as small-d democrats as their news environment permits, and mainstream media would rather focus on Bidens age than murderous fascists.
NEWS --> Mark Robinson, the MAGA extremist GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, appeared to endorse political violence against unnamed foes in a recent speech. "Some folks need killing!" he shouted. "It's a matter of necessity!" Video and story here:
MAGA Gov Candidate’s Ugly, Hateful Rant: “Some Folks Need Killing!” Mark Robinson, the GOP nominee for governor in North Carolina, has a long history of incendiary comments. But he may have topped himself this time.
nice little write-up here by in particular, the catplot command is one of Stata's better work-around for paired-grouping histograms, although you're bound by "bar-axis" options, which deploy a weird syntax suite that isnt super intuitive see:
Pretty good little read for presidency week tbh
What I'm thinking about today 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Who needs diner interviews just go to a Publix in Alabama on the Fourth of July you’re sure to see just about everything.
New Week 1 Intro American Gov reading just dropped thanks
Happy Fourth! As a public service, @ryanlcooper will help you update your Constitution by showing you all of the various sections that the Supreme Court has rendered inoperative.
The Supreme Court Has Murdered the America’s founding document is now an all-but-meaningless scrap of paper. Happy Fourth!
Lol whelp, guess that’s settled or some comms intern is gettin canned
Ugggggggggggghhhhhhhh Fair.
The answer to political anxiety is political organizing.
“The threshold for political discontent to generate stochastic violence on the left is…a lot higher than for the right in contemporary America. But surely there is a limit!” nails this one
This looks fun.
Here it comes. The next part of the ongoing and accelerating coup. if the democrats try to replace Biden the republicans will not allow that person to appear on the ballots. We are in a coup this is not politics.
Reposted byAvatar Nick Davis
this is 100% correct -- the only remotely workable options at this point are Biden or Harris, and reaching closure about this and ending the discussion as soon as possible is the most important thing that needs to happen
At some rapidly approaching point it will be less important whether Biden carries on or steps down than it will be to simply stop the speculation. Pick one. "Final answer: I'm running / I am stepping down." The worst outcome is neither Biden nor Harris; the worst outcome is debating it for 100 days.
This country seems bound and determined to fuck around and find out.
This is the kind of guy who permanently looks like he needs to catch an ass whoopin
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Reposted byAvatar Nick Davis
Important read on Meta science, metascience, and how Meta has leveraged academic collaborations for PR purposes. Against the backdrop of these industry friendly findings and a collaboration with CoS, Meta is clawing back independent researcher data access.
The Politics of Social Media Research: We Shouldn’t Let Meta Spin the Studies It Sponsors | Meta would like to disarm its critics, but Justin Hendrix and Paul Barrett argue that would be unwise.
While everyone is posting thru it on here, I’m looking for new books for my media and politics class in uhhh shit like five weeks. Anyone have a good one to plug? Self noms welcome.
That all of this anti-democracy bullshit would happen the week the country celebrates fReEdOm is an irony too perfect
Reposted byAvatar Nick Davis
If the lower court understood the present moment, this would be its response: "The court is surprised this needs to be said, but anything related to a coup attempt is not an official act. That includes all of the conduct in the indictment. Trial begins September 1st."
Opinion basically comes down to "official actions are immune, unofficial aren't" and the court says that since lower courts have not made a determination on that question, they need to go do that. Beyond me to determine how feasible that is, but absolutely delays the trial.
Establishment Democratic electeds - I don’t know what else you want to call them, normies, ignoramuses, whatev - are so woefully unsuited for this peculiar political moment that you can’t help but feel fatalistic. Is there no one in any position of power in this admin who will forgo the Old Norms?
this is even more ludicrous! durbin could unilaterally prevent republicans from blocking nominations if he simply stopped the blue slip nonsense—something republicans themselves won't honor once in power. this democracy is cooked
Reposted byAvatar Nick Davis
"These are not justices; these are Trump cronies. This is not legal reasoning; this is vandalism."
The Supreme Court’s ruling putting presidents above the law must be understood not simply as a grant of immunity for past crimes, but an enthusiastic endorsement of those he will commit if given the chance.
The Supreme Court Gives Its Blessing to Trump’s And gives him permission for a despotic second term.
All it took was a bunch of illegitimate clerics and a sitting President who wouldn’t force their hand. The most frustrating part of the post-decision landscape is that the WH will take this beating and not go nuclear.
/8 At any rate, congratulations to the Federalist Society for an achievement beyond the reach of the British, outside the grasp of bloody civil war, impossible to Nazis and Soviets and terrorists: defeating the American idea.
Few things are more irritating than knowing Biden will likely run away with the popular vote but that the election - and to some extent the rule of law itself - will come down to several thousand voters in a select number of weird states. We live in a deeply stupid democracy.
Ay yo fuck John Roberts for real. If you haven’t read that opinion yet, wow, it’s fall of the republic shit.
It’s a measure of the extreme restraint in American politics that the clerics ruling this country can make these decisions without any fear for their wellbeing. I’m not sure that that’s true in other eras or places.
Completely unprompted my youngest drew this today while I was at work. Feels like it’s apropos. Real Nostradamus kid.
At this pace, those purges of university faculty may come a lot quicker than anticipated.
Stuff like this is super important for calibrating public opinion wrt SC reform. If the party’s leader refuses to shame this ratfucking Court then what’s the public supposed to do? You can only do so much to change opinion from the bottom-up. Democracy dies when elites are scared / ignorant babies.
1. Biden deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks says he's "scared as shit" by the Supreme Court's ruling giving Trump immunity 2. Biden deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks says Biden deeply respects the Supreme Court and refuses to use any power he has to challenge it
as a practical matter, im not sure that diffuse support can go much lower for Ds unless you explicitly convey how bad immunity decision is...and even then maximal info treatments are kind of tricky on generalizability. still i'd think hammering "fascism enablers" would be a reasonably salient frame
*supreme court legitimacy has left teh chat*
from lily's skeet to gods ea--err, the front page of the NYT
A convicted felon is applying for the only job in the world that lets him do as many crimes as he wants.
*supreme court legitimacy has left teh chat*
preliminarily: no change in democrats' diffuse support. supreme court legitimacy is in the proverbial shitter, folks. but, somewhat ironically, even *republicans* are now low key like maybe this thing is off the rails, too.
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Screaming crying throwing up