Hank Hoffman

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Hank Hoffman


Life changed by Meet the Beatles at age 8 in '64, Left liberal/SocDem, psych-pop rock musician, give me ocean waves & transcendent sunsets. Anti-fascist!
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absolutely wild how many chances the Iranian people are willing to give the US after being dicked over for 40 years almost continuously
Masoud Pezeshkian, the reformist candidate who advocated moderate policies at home and improved relations with the West, won the presidential runoff in Iran against a hard-line rival, according to results released by the interior ministry on Saturday. nyti.ms/3xMgPZc
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an entire movement of wicked people who celebrate wickedness
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
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gosh maybe Democrats should run against a deeply unpopular Republican Supreme Court that is issuing deeply unpopular rulings that Republican presidents can do whatever the hell they want but women can't get abortions
So, today's decision has even LESS support than Dobbs: www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-i...
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💯 The corrupt courts are a winning issue! Politically! And electorally. It’s a fundamental misunderstanding of modern politics and it has to be said- this stems from his principal strategic adviser, Anita Dunn.
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*taps the sign*
There is precedent. 'President Donald Trump commended the U.S. Marshals for shooting Reinoehl, describing it as "retribution", and claiming to have personally "sent in" the U.S. Marshals to "get" Reinoehl during the first presidential debate with Joe Biden.'
Killings of Aaron Danielson and Michael Reinoehl - Wikipediaen.m.wikipedia.org
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The administration had MONTHS to game out scenarios—this is about the worst—& have responses ready to go (w/ tweaks). They didn't! Just like they hadn't w/ Dobbs! Republicans think decades ahead but Dems can't even think months ahead. It's fucking maddening.
1. Biden deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks says he's "scared as shit" by the Supreme Court's ruling giving Trump immunity 2. Biden deputy campaign manager Quentin Fulks says Biden deeply respects the Supreme Court and refuses to use any power he has to challenge it pic.twitter.com/9ukHEV8EZA
I just talked back to someone defending the Biden administration's lack of a ready response to today's outrageous decision & they fucking blocked me. These people are going to fucking lose because they'll entertain no criticism for the lack of will to fight fascism.
Don't defend that. This was the most consequential case of the term. There were a range of possible outcomes—this was about the worst—& that could have been planned for! Don't excuse their lack of planning. They fell down the same way on Dobbs. This is an abomination & Biden's said nothing yet. 1/2
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Watching this debate until it’s over to make sure it doesn’t crawl out of the TV and kill me in my sleep
Interview w/ the Army officer who resigned on extent of knowledge w/in govt over Israel's merciless campaign in Gaza & on very real danger of being dragged by Israel into war with Hezbollah & Iran. Such conflicts would be disastrous not just for the U.S., Lebanon, & Iran but for Israel as well.
If you never read any other FOREVER WARS edition, read this interview with a US Army major who worked in military intelligence on the Mideast before resigning over Gaza. www.forever-wars.com/harrison-man...
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I sent this email to Snopes about their ridiculous Charlottesville "fact check" on Friday, followed up yesterday, no response. So sharing it here as an open letter. Apologies for the typos, I wrote it pretty fast. @brooklynmarie.bsky.social
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“Guy who hates anonymous quotes” here again — it would be cool to name names to narrow down how many smoothbrains are in the EOP
“No one knows what he’s going to say” 😂😭 Goodness gracious. If any Biden aide in the WH or in the State Dept still doesn’t know what a right wing extremist like Bib is gonna say to fawning MAGA MoCs they should resign bc of outright incompetence. This is pathetic - embarrassing.
‘No one knows what he’s going to say’ – WH fears mount about Bibi’s DC visitwww.politico.com The Israeli prime minister’s video this week, accusing the U.S. of withholding military aid, has raised the stakes (and the concerns) about his July 24 speech.
From the Department of They Never Learn.
Remember when Obama decided to get “tough on immigration” in 2014 to win over voters in the center and his own staffers were like why did we do that, it won us zero votes and alienated some of our base? Reposting for no particular reason!
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My husband is reading a really interesting book about activist burn out, and basically every chapter that looks at specific historical activists shows that being unable to acknowledge even minor victories leads to burn out and depression.
I think some people are afraid of good news because they think it inevitably leads to complacency. like any hint of good must mean there is no need for Better. but…endless bad news doesn’t lead to Better either. it leads to exhaustion.
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and the thing is, this is false! when faced with consequences trump wilts away! when his opponents relentlessly hit him on scandal he declines with the broader public! it as if everyone treats the fact that he is the first incumbent in 30 years to lose reelection as a tidbit and not a critical fact!
I think a lot of people, including "elite media," have convinced themselves if you do anything against him, it will be to Trump's benefit somehow. He's a counter-puncher! This has led to a learned helplessness when it comes to Trump and his followers.
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GOP campaigns staffed with young operatives who are into Nazi stuff is bad actually. Very charitable explanation of "just trolling" is still quite bad. Do you know what they called people who weren't into Hitler's worst ideas but backed him because they liked how it bothered people they hate? Nazis.
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Trump's hypocritical, cowardly decision not to testify may eventually be the single most memorable element of this trial. So where are the BANNER HEADLINES???https://presswatchers.org/2024/05/trump-choosing-not-to-testify-in-his-defense-should-be-a-banner-headline/
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the vibe you're evoking as the leader of a continent-sized global superpower when talking about a tiny ally with a population of 10 million probably shouldn't be "enabling family member making excuses for the alcoholic dad trashing the house the night before"
Since we all think elections are won on vibes now is "fuckin' loser energy" a good vibe
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Since we all think elections are won on vibes now is "fuckin' loser energy" a good vibe
Reporter on Air Force One just asked Karine Jean-Pierre if the White House condemns Israel shutting down AP cameras and seizing equipment. “I wanna be really mindful… obviously we’re looking into it… and this is concerning…” Imagine what they’d say if it was Russia, China, or any other country.
Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Gaggle Aboard Air Force One En Route to New Hampshirewww.youtube.com Air Force One
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Radley Balko: "On some level the 'Could they do it?' question seems irrelevant. This is the most illiberal, openly authoritarian campaign promise from a major presidential candidate in my lifetime. They want to do it. They’re promising to do it. They have a plan in place to do it."
New at The Watch: Trump wants to deport more people than the populations of NYC, Chicago, and L.A. combined. It would cost $1 trillion+, and require a force larger than the U.S. Army. It also can't be done. But that isn't the point. It's about giving his supporters the human suffering they crave.
Trump's deportation armyopen.substack.com The former president's vow to deport 15 million people is the cruelest, most illiberal, most openly authoritarian campaign promise in modern U.S. history. Oh, and it would also destroy the economy.
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Conservatives going "we can control [fascist who attempted a coup], he'll do our policies, and we have to because the left is so scary." Leftists going "it won't be bad, it'll break the liberal establishment, and after [bigoted fascist], our turn." How much more will history rhyme?
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Hell of a message from yesterday's UNC commencement (via Daily Tar Heel)
Lindsey Graham is fucking INSANE, suggests he's fine with Israel using nukes on Gaza. Besides the earth-shaking immorality of using nukes on Gaza, Gaza's RIGHT NEXT DOOR to Israel!! It would be like nuking themselves!
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one symptom of extreme internet poisoning is thinking that your most important political goal as a leftist is owning the libs
man, it's astounding the amount of mental gymnastics they use to eventually land on "Trump's second term will be worth it, because the libs will get their comeuppance"
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I’d say one very specific asymmetry when it comes to the protests is that the police are all republicans and antagonistic toward left wing causes, which creates the mirage that left wing protests are more disorderly than right wing protests