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Woke AF, pro-democracy settler. No DMs please. Slava Ukraini!

Reposted byAvatar Sheila
I think this is the fundamental asymmetry underlying every aspect of the conflict between the parties; you see it in the Senate, in gerrymandering, in the use of executive power I don't want King Biden either, but it's long past time to make the GOP afraid of the consequences of endless escalation
I honestly believe that a lot of conservative strategizing is based on the correct assumptions that liberals would never be as ruthless as they are.
Reposted byAvatar Sheila
I think it needs to be said often and loudly, it’s NOT poor people fucking the world up right now.👇
Reposted byAvatar Sheila
Avatar This is so awesome. Guys give BK a follow. She has a large account at that other place and now here she is. Let's show her some love and help her build her followers here. Cheers.
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