
Breaking News: Donald Trump was handed a lifeline as a New York court lowered his bond to $175 million, while he appeals the $454 million judgment against him in his civil fraud case. Trump has 10 days to obtain the bond.
Trump Can Post Smaller Bond in Civil Fraud Case, Court The former president must post a bond of $175 million within 10 days as he appeals the $454 million judgment against him.
God forbid he should experience a consequence for his actions for the first time in his life.
A slap in the face from a two-tiered justice system.
breaking news: the legal system once again demonstrates its inability to properly deal with an obvious and known authoritarian politician who has openly expressed his intent to establish himself as a dictator, thereby giving him more time and resources to pull off his next coup attempt.
also a legal system that never delays & discounts working class people's bond/bail by 60% because they plead a lack of cash
It's interesting that the government continues to play the morons to the criminal who's constantly getting away with murders because the government wants to look "nice". If the situation were reversed, Trump will simply push whoever off the cliff, and that's what the court should have done with him
“Trump was handed a lifeline…” I’m really getting tired of that ALWAYS being the case.
Noooo this is stupid. Why does this insurrectionist deserve a break?
DOJ needs to grow a spine and leave the fucker destitute like they would to any of the rest of us.
Laws for thee, but not for me.
"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect. There is nothing more or else to it, and there never has been, in any place or time."
The travesty of More in the suddenly topical vein of ‘who will rid us of those troublesome leftists’ from Sean Wilentz. For Chait, the problem is “It’s obvious to me why conservatives want everyb…
Let the motherfucker off the hook. Fuck our justice system. Time for a purge.
Fraud that extensive deserves *more* rigorous enforcement, not less!
Such naked preferences for the (ahem) rich. Good luck to normal people getting $4500 bail reduced to well less than half "because I don't have much cash".
One hot minute and he will go back to complaining how everything is rigged against him and how it's unfair.
Broke ass motherfucker out here trying to pay half a billion dollars in 25,062,657 easy installments of $19.95 lmao
So...what happened to Trump bragging he had $500M he was sitting on, while he sent his lawyers to go cry to court he was broke and didn't have the $454M? And the lies continue...? And he gets breaks NO citizen would ever get. Why? He's the serial criminal; the majority of us just made a mistake.
He will rightfully see that as a sign of weakness and exploit it
oh suck my fuckin DICK. you gotta be fuckin KIDDING me. start paying your shit you fuckin orange lowlife, I know a person who went to jail for three goddamn years because they couldn't afford a 3000$ bond!
Total Bullshit. Stop giving this criminal breaks that NO ONE else would get - EVER!
“Handed a lifeline,” why didn’t they say “made the ultimate, the best, a big, beautiful deal with”
WTAF??????? Why? Why does this unrepentant lying human cancer get a random reduction in bond when he is publicly saying he has the money? I think America might be done. The most blatant criminal alive is testing your “Justice” system and you are failing every. single. time.
Congratulations to Former President Trump! You’ve done it again!
Disgusting!! WHY?????
He's a rich white man. The most protected of all American classes.
I think that’s about 10 times the highest amount Mag-A- lago is worth