
Donald Trump’s conviction on 34 felonies counts. President Biden’s debate debacle. Democrats and Republicans had radically different responses to recent news about their presidential candidates, illustrating something important about the two major parties.
Varying Treatment of Biden and Trump Puts Their Parties in Stark Republicans and Democrats live in radically different universes, interpreting the same set of facts through radically different lenses.
Replace “democrats and republicans” with “The New York Times” and you’re almost achieving self-knowledge
Project 2025 is a major threat to American democracy and you are criminally under covering it
NYT is ratfucking one candidate and not the other?
In their defense, they also did this with Hitler and Churchill. Guess which one was NOT ratfucked
****also Churchill was a colonizing cunt and I actually don’t give a fuck about bad press he got. Just making a point
i will renew my subscription, which i cancelled a year ago over your weird "good news is bad news for biden" editorial bent, if you do a front page, purely factual, accounting of trump's appearances in the jeffrey epstein grand jury testimony that just came out.
whoaaaaa This is some SPECTACULAR bothsidesing, NYT. That guy that wrote your article ACTUALLY DID VOTE. There are facts in the world, and you are NOT publishing them. Which is your right! 🤷 But it won't stand in the face of people that KNOW the truth.
NYTimes is a far-right propaganda rag.
Yes, and it's got a HUGE reach and its readers that think it's not need to know this.
Are you FUCKING kidding me with this false equivalence???? but her emails 2.0, go fuck yourselves you right wing hacks
Dear lord - the NYT is now completely inseparable from the parody pitchbot.
My thoughts exactly - I had to double check which account I was reading when I saw that opening line.
You know... after yesterday's "I don't vote and you shouldn't either" by a dude who DOES VOTE - FOR THEOCRATIC FASCISTS - you are really showing how fucking transparently you're trying to stack the deck, here.
The nyt profits more when people are terrified then when they aren't They prefer trump, because everyone looked at the news every day, because everything was on fire and people were being black bagged into vans at blm protests That sells newspapers, or at least it gets clicks on the link
True, but there's more to that; it's also public knowledge that NYT's publisher has been having a four-year tantrum over his team facing backlash over several fairly big fuck-ups over the past four years.
How The New York Times Became the White House’s Least Favorite Biden’s people think they’re “entitled." The Times says “they’re not being realistic.”
Fair, but again, they would have abandoned the heel turn if it didn't get them clicks and attention In an economy driven entirely by click through rate, any click is a good click With companies this big, ideology barely matters, its money.
As someone who worked at a company that big: You would be amazed at how petty and arrogant folks making the decisions are. If they can get the person removed and replaced with "their guy", you'd better believe they'll take it, hit to the reputation be damned, because it solidifies power.
Right, and as long as cash keeps pouring in it won't stop, left or right, good or evil I worked at intuit, i get it I know if i see a free free free commercial, come may there will be a class action lawsuit against them Because their job isnt to do your taxes, its to make money
lol yes a shit ton of felonies and debate issues are totally the same thing. Do me a favor and tell every single one of your “journalists” to eat my asshole. REMEMBER: NYT escalated Israel’s massacre in Gaza because they lied about the events on October 7th
And of course your coverage of the two is completely meaningless and has had no effect, right? Y'all are just objective observers?
The New York Times really likes Donald Trump and wants him to win.
Sincerely, from the very bottom of my heart, go fuck yourselves
Hey check this out have you seen this
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Have you ever felt bad you work for an alleged kitten killer who ginned up outrage due to his butthurt about Biden not licking his paper’s asshole?
Like a journalist job is a job but Sully eats kittens, I heard.
I heard he eats them while they're still alive. From what I understand, his position is, "Their cries of terror make my pee-pee hard."
So Trump’s stream of flat-out, sometimes nonsensical, lies doesn’t qualify as a “debacle”? Seems to me they BOTH embarrassed themselves at the debate, but only one has 34 felonies. And a concrete plan to do away with representative democracy. But y’all are messy bitches who love Trump drama!
Just laughable, the NYTs has jumped the shark but never fear they will continue on their President Biden is to Old Crap.
Only, you played just this game. Be honest and blame yourself, too.
"NYT: New evidence shows the Trump campaign was raping everyone in sight, and illegally concealing the settlement payments. For the good of the country, Biden must drop out." You have lost your minds. And your credibility. I never thought I would despise the New York Times...
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What's newsworthy is the NYT's radically different response to the two. It prints 50 "Biden is old!" Columns per week and never, ever mentions that Trump is far more mentally unfit, a liar, a rapist, an insurrectionist and a convicted felon. No call for Trump to step aside, just Biden. Propaganda.
I thought the first sentence was a change of direction for the Times, but it looks like there was a typo ("felonies" was supposed to be "felony", making "counts" a noun rather than verb) and NYT didn't intend to take any position on whether Trump's conviction counts.
Donald Trump’s conviction on 34 felonies counts. President Biden’s debate debacle. Democrats and Republicans had radically different responses to recent news about their presidential candidates, illustrating something important about the two major parties.
Varying Treatment of Biden and Trump Puts Their Parties in Stark Republicans and Democrats live in radically different universes, interpreting the same set of facts through radically different lenses.
I don’t think bombing in a debate should be in the same league of being convicted of numerous crimes, but here we are.
What stinks is how you keep giving negative press to President Biden, a man with a great team that has done much for America, and nary a negative word about felony trump who is an asshole dictator-wanna-be.
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You really want Trump back in office don’t you? That’s gross.
Biden is the shit. Trump is shit.
Lol, yeah….NYT…why. Looking into the mirror is hard, right?
how in fucks name are these equivalent?