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Do not obey in advance. Repeal the 2nd amendment.
Getting increasingly pissed off by various politicians "distraught" today. This is America, where every day we wonder if this when someone we love gets mowed down by a shooter. Pretending to be shocked just shows you don't get it. Trump has a Secret Service detail to protect him. My kids don't.
Just going to note, regarding "political violence" that three and a half years ago, Trump was encouraging a mob of people who wanted to hang his own VP.
October 2020: Trump defends plot to murder Gov. Whitmer January 2021: Trump sends mob to kill his own VP and members of Congress November 2023: Trump cheers attempted assassination of Nancy Pelosi March 2024: Trump posts video depicting abduction of Joe Biden
I'm pro-Weimer.
"Oh wah wah I don't like having to choose between two old men who get in front of a nation to debate our future and then get into a pissing match about golf" Fucking none of us want to be here but Weimar still beats Third Reich so put your big kid pants on and deal with it
“Fascism sucks up power left unattended” deserves to be carved over the entrances to grand public buildings
largest french turnout in 40 years, to keep the nazis down. fascism sucks up power left unattended
Centrists need to stop courting the right in the hope they can find some sort of consensus. Also, if you think you can find common ground with the right, you're not as "centrist" as you think you are.
In France, the left coalition comes in first, Macron second, the far-right third. The best way to defeat fascism is not centrism, it’s a strong left.
Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
Drop the most powerful image in your gallery with zero explanation
Drop the most powerful image in your gallery with zero explanation
The NYT engages in North Korea level propaganda daily in support of Trump and the fascist agenda.
I searched the New York Times for "Trump"
New SCOTUS bribery ruling just dropped.
Fuck the 2nd amendment and every psychotic, sociopathic, ammo-sexual asswipe who supports it.
Blimey I started chatterin like me mates in Liverpool and them went n made me Editor n Chief of that Washington Post wild scenes innit
Twelve Perturbed Gentlemen
the texas chainsaw demonstration
Reposting to describe the photo, because Jodie Foster is talking to people and signing them up to vote in a white floppy sun hat and a VOTE FOR ABORTION tshirt.
I think we’re pretty close to Dems fully squandering the Trump conviction. They have made almost no effort to turn it into an active conflict or the subject of live debate and you can already see the news putting it aside as another piece of campaign trivia, and going back to Biden age stories
This is it. This is the reason I will vote for Biden, a man who just issued a ludicrous and illegal executive order arbitrarily capping asylum requests, who gives arms to Israel to commit genocide. I will not throw this country's women to the wolves.
There will be blood - Lawyers, Guns & Moneywww.lawyersgunsmoneyblog.com Texas’s draconian abortion ban and its Supreme Court’s explicit refusal to provide any protection to medical professionals acting in good faith continues to have the intended effect: The woman knew th...
You can sing "Trump is a convicted felon" to the tune of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha DONALD TRUMP IS GUILTY AS FUCK ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha oops I mean how terrible for GUILTY AS FUCK DONALD TRUMP
Once you make pesto in a mortar and pestle, you'll never use a food processor again.
Herman Melville on moderates, all the way back in 1857:
unfortunately had to slap my youngest child, hyperion dipshit, in the target parking lot today after he failed to show proper respect to a cybertruck. before you call that abuse, just ask my other children, aryan chlamydia and maximus trifecta what they think
in some countries police solve crime or help old ladies cross the street. here they bludgeon unarmed protestors, deliberately refuse to enforce the law, cower in terror from mass shooters, and shoot dogs
the difference between the fictional RoboCop and real police officers is RoboCop is haunted by memories of life as a human being