Chris McLaren

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Chris McLaren

I do not care to listen; obloquy injures my self-esteem and I am skeptical of praise.
Reposted byAvatar Chris McLaren
It also makes me think about this map, from the data that Where's George was able to generate. It shows the borders across which money mostly doesn't travel, and is a pretty good map of our broad economic and cultural divide. The darker the line, the stronger the border.
Once again, Ed knocks it out of the park. As usual, all kinds of receipts--including this time mostly ones from Goldman--to support what should be an obvious set of conclusions by now.
Gen. AI is unprofitable, unsustainable, and fundamentally limited in what it can do thanks to the fact that it's probabilistically generating an answer. It's not the future - it's a regurgitation of the past.
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Reposted byAvatar Chris McLaren
I'll go farther--in addition to identifiable humans needing to be accountable for these actions criminally, corporations that commit felonies should be accountable in ways that go beyond fines, up to and including the loss of their charter. Let's shift the window that way.
Boeing is pleading guilty to a fraud that killed over 300 people. Their punishment is fines. At least one person made a decision to perpetuate this fraud, so why is nobody going to jail? If corporations have the same rights as people, they should face the same criminal liabilities as well.
Reposted byAvatar Chris McLaren
Being a good citizen, being a good neighbor, being a helpful and attentive student, being a good community member, even what was once considered being a good Christian - all of these things are antithetical to the right wing movement
Reposted byAvatar Chris McLaren
It’s fascinating how re: depredation (a fishermen catches a fish, and a shark eats it as they reel it in) fishermen keep saying “the shark ate *my* fish,” not “I am competing for fish with a shark and I am losing”
Seconded. I picked up the Swan River edition of this a few years ago primarily because A) the publish good stuff, & B) books banned by religious (or overly-influenced-by-religion) authorities tend to appeal to me. Then I read it, and found something much more interesting than I could have hoped.
I wish more people knew about and read Ethel Mannin's LUCIFER AND THE CHILD. It's such a memorable read.
Every Premee Mohammed novel is a delight, and almost always in a new and unexpected way. But this one is a whole other level. A deep examination of the corrosive effects of war on populations and the individual soul. PLUS flying cities, biomechanical tanks, and wasps that sting medicine into you.
hey. qt this with a book you really enjoyed recently
Reposted byAvatar Chris McLaren
We really need to talk a lot more about the consequences of consolidation of media, what it means to have so much of our cultural history in so few hands, AND that they are the hands of the obscenely wealthy. It's not good.
Reposted byAvatar Chris McLaren
Just to be clear, this is Silicon Valley VC bro/Musk acolyte David Sacks coming down on the side of the Le Pen family, whose patriarch called Nazi gas chambers a "minor detail" of history and whose ex-wife alleged he nicknamed Hitler "Uncle Dolfie" while snarling "The Jews are invading France."
It’s amazing the extent to which our billionaire tech bro overlords are just telling us out loud that they are rooting for fascism. Makes me slightly nostalgic for the days when American plutocrats plotted against democracy in secret.
Reposted byAvatar Chris McLaren
So for all the narrative about the inevitable slide into anti-immigrant populism, four of Western Europe's five largest countries now have left or center left governments?
Reposted byAvatar Chris McLaren
Look how fun shutting down fascists is. I want this for us, too
Reposted byAvatar Chris McLaren
Reposted byAvatar Chris McLaren
The reason the Pacific Northwest is so fascinating and eerie to Americans is because it functions as a gateway to an uncanny realm of magic and terror (Canada)
Reposted byAvatar Chris McLaren
I just read an article that said "Why is it taking so long for your favorite movies and tv series to air? Blame the writers and actor strikes" No I won't. I'm blaming that ✨single✨ motherfucker at the studio who makes $250 million dollars a year who's one job is supposed to make this shit happen.
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Long election campaigns also put the emphasis, over and over again, ON THE ELECTION rather than on governing: like voting is all we as citizens have to do; like winning is the most important quality in a candidate. GOVERNING. The thing is GOVERNING. Elections should be a means of accountability+
Long elections waste immense amounts of money. they harass potential voters into apathy. They play into the horse-race, scandal-fed view of politics that feeds deeply unserious media coverage. They NOT INCIDENTALLY make it difficult/impossible for campaigns to deal with last-minute surprises.
Reposted byAvatar Chris McLaren
Reagan and Bush, Mulroney and Harper, Mike Harris and Doug Ford. It’s a scam but one we keep falling for.
When I say the Trump tax cuts were nothing more than a trickle-down scam, this is why. Nothing trickled down.
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The vice-president of the far-right RN just declared that Macron plunged France "into a quagmire" and declared that the alliance of the centrists and the far-left is "an alliance against nature." 😌
Reposted byAvatar Chris McLaren
JUST IN: Polls closed in France. Exit polls show surprise: —Left coalition (New Popular Front) projected first. (!) —Far-right (RN) has lost its bid to take power. Anti-RN front appears to have worked very well. —No bloc close to majority. Follow this 🧵 for results and more:
Oh man. Imagine we could pull off something like this in Canada.
France!!! What's up!!!
You know, if this is what CoPilot was, I would be interested. As opposed to the plagiarizing climate disaster liar machine.
this is how my posts are written
Remember back when boy bands were all about the music and not the marketing?
Remember back when boy bands were all about the music and not the marketing?
Hey Canada, here's a little preview of what we have to look forward to if you elect PP and his crew of grievance farmers because you're tired of the Liberals. If you have to "throw the bums out", you can do it without throwing the fash in. Maybe vote for a progressive instead?
I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
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I interviewed her. It made a roller coaster ride look like Stonehenge.
Eartha Kitt drinking honey backstage, 1959
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Reposted byAvatar Chris McLaren
Well this is grim
Let´s have a party at the end of the world No one will save us It´s not a sin to have fun We will be raving till the edge of the dawn It all will burn to ashes By the morning sun #mood
The Courettes - "Misfits & Freaks" The Courettes' new SMASH HIT SINGLE! "Misfits & Freaks"! A release by @Damgoodrecords The Courettes:Flavia Couri - vox, guitarMartin Couri - drums, voxWritt...