
Trader Joe’s United said it’s *not* calling for a customer boycott at this time in response to the company arguing the NLRB is unconstitutional. But they *are* asking people to sign a customer strike pledge if they call for a boycott in the future. Sign here:
This is supremely fucked. *And* I’m going to wait to see what the unionized workers of Trader Joe’s United call for customers to do in response. Like said on the hellsite, collective action is better for workers than slowly declining sales they could use to lay people off
Even if they don’t, the company’s position is so nationally disastrous, I’ll be boycotting anyway. It goes far beyond their employees, and so we should consider more than just their preferences.
This. While I respect and want to honor the union's wishes as stakeholders, I cannot ethically spend my money there if the company is pursuing this course of action.