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Archivist, cat person, avid reader, mediocre gardener, worrier...

Queer, ADHD. She/her

Trans rights and reproductive rights are human rights. COVID isn't over. Masking is a primary DEI action. Climate change is an emergency. Free Palestine.
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"What explains this growing student movement? Sometimes the correct answer is the one right in front of you. The students want an end to a war that has been executed with breathtaking violence and killed more than 34,000 Palestinians, most of them women & children."
The Kids Are Not All Right. They Want to Be What explains the student movement against the war in Gaza? Sometimes the correct answer is the one right in front of you.
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Discworld QOTD, from Night Watch “Once you get troops on the streets, it’s only a matter of time before it goes bad. Some kid throws a stone, next minute there’s houses on fire and people getting killed.”
Discworld QOTD, from Reaper Man
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"Archival silence" is shorthand for impt perspectives on bias & erasure in archival collections, and the implications for historical analysis & narratives. I wrote an brief intro. to the inverse, archival shouting & the outsized attention to some materials. 🗃️
Archival Shouting: Silence and Volume in Collections and Some collections of historical sources have been given a microphone, with profound consequences for the practices of history.
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“People who are still taking COVID precautions seriously have every right to be angry about being abandoned by public-health officials and experts. The very real pain that many people are experiencing has not been sufficiently acknowledged.” -me to
COVID-Cautious Americans Feel There's a growing rift forming between COVID-19 experts and the COVID-cautious public.
I've heard lots of people bemoaning the memory-holing of COVID. I'm pleased to report that I've now listened to three books that don't do that: The Lost Year by Katherine Marsh, Just a Regular Boy by Catherine Ryan Hyde, and The Little Wartime Library by Kate Thompson.
Bad things come in threes? There have already been two this week. Would love to dodge the third!
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Clean indoor air through improved filtration and ventilation is the only viable way forward. Flu, covid, RSV, wildfire smoke – we must take a systemic approach to cleaning our indoor air through upgraded ventilation and filtration.
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Absolutely, and I just found out CA went all vote by mail recently-ish? First meeting that when I moved to OR in 2008 was amazing, and I hope it continues to spread. Being able to sit down whenever and go race by race able to do research? holy shit everyone should have this Alas, voter suppression
WTF is wrong with people? It's pouring rain. There are awnings over parts of the sidewalk. Giant dude walking toward me heads straight at me even though he has plenty of room to his side. I stop rather than walk into the cascade. Asshat makes eye contact and walks into me. Totally on purpose.
It hurts to read the story, but the facts must not be swept under the rug or lost in the general tide of awful news.
For Assigned, I've written a story bringing together the new elements of how Nex described the incident to the school resource officer and how they appeared in the new footage, the 911 call by their mom Sue Benedict, and the odd statements by Owasso PD.
Aspects of Nex Benedict’s Death are Becoming Clear, but Questions Remain — An Oklahoma 16-year-old died after being beaten by peers in a girls bathroom at Owasso High School. Rumors and misinformation have swirled around the story ever since.
I need to try this! It looks amazing!!!!
I'm still going with Veganuary! This year for Korean New Year I made vegan tofu Korean barbecue and cucumber salad to celebrate the year of the dragon! It's so delicious you've got to try this recipe! 새해 복 많이 받으세요
Happy Veganuary and Korean New Year! I'm still going with Veganuary! This year for Korean New Year I made vegan tofu korean barbecue and cucumber salad to celebrate the year of the dragon! It'...
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New: I wrote about the horrifying death of Nex Benedict, and my disturbing messages with the local cops.
Noticing a lot more icky coughing on the train this morning. Think the increasing illness in kids has reached the adults. How shameful that we collectively haven't stopped this.
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The Independent has made some major headway on the story of Nex Benedict, a nonbinary OK high schooler who died after being brutally beaten by older teenage girls at school. They've found reason to believe Nex was bullied for being nonbinary, making it likely this led to their death.
Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is Nex Benedict died one day after a fight in a school bathroom. Their mother Sue Benedict tells Bevan Hurley that the gender fluid teenager endured more than a year of abuse simply for being who they we...
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Oh I didn't know they changed their name to the Centers for Distribution of Covid
Americans who test positive for the coronavirus no longer need to routinely stay home from work and school for five days under new guidance planned by the CDC.
CDC plans to drop five-day covid isolation People with covid will be able to return to school, work and society if they have been fever-free for 24 hours and their symptoms are mild and improving.
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BLM is taking public comments about opening D-1 lands, 25 million acres of lands that Alaska Natives rely on for subsistence living, until TOMORROW Feb 14th, 10pm Alaska time. You can submit comments here:
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Folks, I am overseas, and this news is spreading like WILD FIRE. It’s been the TOP morning story in both Arabic & French speaking news. I’m not sure how it’s playing in the US, but, my god, I’m watching the news coverage here & I’m literally cringing. What a humiliation!!!
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COVID hits marginalized groups hardest. COVID minimization is a tool of capitalism, racism, eugenics, ableism, transphobia, genocide, etc. Those ignoring COVID are complicit. Even if they call themselves allies or leftists. There is no revolution without disability justice. Liberators wear n95s.
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just in case you forgot: trans lives matter 🏳️‍⚧️✨💕
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Greenhouse Effect
Cannot focus today. Not even a little bit. So ready for the weekend.
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Please spread the word!
We've experienced things that can be lumped into the same category and are also searching for a new GP. This is a huge problem. With COVID making everyone permanently sicker and providers leaving healthcare, there aren't enough to go around (scarcity problem started before 2020).
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You and the Computer, from General Electric, 1960; illustrated by Bill Charmatz
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how your email finds me:
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My friend the activist says that by wearing a mask she is engaging in prefigurative politics: embodying a desired future through actions in the present. I ask if she desires a future where everyone is masked. She says no, she desires a future in which we take care of each other.