function r(){if(po(n),n.value===pf)throw new I(-950,!1);return n.value} follows

50 year old cancer survivor.
Pro EU, Remain voting socialist.
Brexiteers & MAGAts blocked on sight.
No f**ks given.
Publius Maximus (He/Him)
Publius Maximus (He/Him)
Giant nerd. I will like your selfies and reblog your pets.
Jacobite Pretender for Tumblr clout.

DNI if Jim Sensenbrenner
mechanical jam
mechanical jam
Hold me close
I hate you the most

Failed human
Aaron Rupar
Aaron Rupar
Independent journalist and publisher of the Public Notice newsletter
I plan on popping a pill, crying a bit, and falling asleep early
The Grim Reaper
The Grim Reaper
I am already following you by other means; this is purely social. I don't see why we can't be friends in the interim

Apologies Kissinger took so long, I understand the frustration. Load-bearing evil is tricky to manage

DMs for questions answer publicly
kilgore trout
kilgore trout
turnip shepherd & bad person
Andy Richter
Andy Richter
I’m here now. Listen to my podcast
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Monterey Bay Aquarium
How do you do, fellow squids? 🌊 We're your frondly Aquarium with a mission to inspire conservation of the ocean.
Ken Tremendous
Ken Tremendous
I am a pension fund monitor for Fremulon Insurance.
Thomas Lennon
Thomas Lennon
New Boot Goofin guy. Bestselling author.
Michael McKean
Michael McKean
Actor, songwriter, husband, father, reader, listener.
Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic
You know... the weird one.
dad, husband, watch wrestle, lift weight
brant o'magillakassel
brant o'magillakassel
you just settle in, like a song with no end

you might be holding the last light i see before the darkness finally gets a hold of me
waylon jennings bryan
waylon jennings bryan
most of the time i have no idea what i’m going on about. so like don’t trip if you don’t get it. now we have something in common.

forklift certified
shitposters union #42069
Official Bluesky account (check domain👆)

Follow for updates and announcements
End of list.