
losing my mind over the constant shifting from evaluating causes to evaluating people fighting for them. If someone proved every single ceasefire protestor was an anti-Semite that cheats on their exams, romantic partners, and taxes, what would we learn about whether or not to support IDF bombs?
at least virtue signaling discourse was itself as pointless as the shit it was criticizing. what's there to say for whatever this discourse (which is happening mid-engineered famine)?
One could well ask if the protests have been peaceful. They have. but also, ask yourself what the fuck that has to do with the other question of whether people half way across the world from them literally deserve to live. then ask who benefits from distracting you from the 2nd question with the 1st
To this point, there are two distinct groups that are working to conflate antisemitism with campus protests about Israel and neither group are particularly invested in the wellbeing of the American Jewry for very divergent reasons.
I don't know that OP's "why are we talking about if they're violent?" question so much resonates with me, a Jewish American living on the Upper West Side.
And, may I ask are you a member of the tribe, dear sir? You may be, but I am asking politely.
Utterly amazing how there are a non-zero number of people doing the very thing in this post *in reply* to this post.
noted antisemites Jewish Voices for Peace /sarcasm
Last protest I was at the pro-Israel counter-protesters told us that Palestinians hate queer people. I’m not sure what their point was. Were we supposed to say oh, ok, go ahead and starve them to death?
Making you lose your mind is the entire point
They are utterly not peaceful protestors. They are playing games of intent with the media. Here is a pic of an apparently blonde white woman in a keffiyeh holding up a sign that reads “Al-Qasam’s (Hamas) Next Targets” in front of pro-Israel counter protesters at a protest at Columbia University.
damn that’s crazy is she single aha
oh cool one random white lady she surely represents the entire anti genocide movement. you have convinced me sir, i now fully condone the mass slaughter of children, thanks for helping me see the error of my ways.
She completely represents others. Why would anyone want to minimize one single person holding up a threat on a sign because it’s antisemitic? 🪧 What about these other signs? Why do you see these other signs as a clear problem but the one that is against (((Israel))) is somehow “no big deal.” 🧐
Just to say the one big difference between these past protestors with hateful signs and this “pro-Palestinian” (aka: pro-Hamas) Columbia University protester is their face is masked by a keffiyeh. As hateful as the folks are in the other black and white photos are, at least they show their faces.
And they didn't hide their racism or supremacist intent behind the facade of the liberation of a terrorist enclave.
you.. what the fuck are you even trying to say here? yiu take 3 unrelated protests by neo nazis and the kkk and put them beside one random dumbass, who you are conflating with an entire protest movement. think before you post.
“…put them beside one random dumbass…” Columbia protests are not just one random person. It boiled over when Columbia admins called NYPD before the party started. Now is full on, out in the open and blatant antisemitism and violence. Protesters were emboldened and now they are thugs.
Columbia University faces full-blown crisis as rabbi calls for Jewish students to ‘return home’ | Columbia University is facing a full-blown crisis heading into Passover as a rabbi linked to the Ivy League school urged Jewish students to stay home and tense confrontations on campus sparked condemn...
The point is, you don't dismiss "random people holding signs" in those protests, you understand that they are part of the larger whole. That the people standing with them agree. But when it happens to be a Pro-Palestinian protester, that's "one random lady".
Wait until you learn about the Ethiopian Jewish women who were sterilized by the Israeli state. This is an Israeli source, by the way.
Israel admits Ethiopian women were given birth control ***
While this situation was ugly, claiming that they were "sterilized" is wild hyperbole.
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
30k people arent dead. 30k civilians arent dead thats jsut a big misunderstanding i guess. just a huge well done fake job with fake corpses and fake rubble and crisis actors.
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
yeah, its when a government and their military try mass slaughter an entire ethnic group, , you know, like the isreali government is doing to the people whose land they wont stop stealing.
Hence the ad hominem logical fallacy
A move as old as the first time someone realized they were losing an argument on substance.
We wouldn't be in this position if the IDF was actually taking out their supposed targets and not the target and an average of 200 civilians per "intended" target. If the aim is to wipe out Hamas, then their aim is so terrible i wouldn't stand within a mile of the space between IDF and a dart board.
“If someone proved every single ceasefire protestor was an anti-Semite that cheats on their exams, romantic partners, and taxes, what would we learn about whether or not…” Bullshit. We don’t care about the personal lives of ANY protestors. Except when they explicitly call for the death of others.
These clowns are utterly NOT “ceasefire protestors.” They are explicitly calling for violence against Jews in NYC! Again, what does one utterly gain by threatening Jews — who are utterly unrelated to events in Gaza — in NYC? These aren’t peace protestors. They want violence. Thugs in keffiyehs.
Nonsense. What they want is peace. What they want are government actions that will lead towards, not away from peace, and they are convinced, as am I, that current Israeli policies make ANOTHER 75 years of war nearly inevitable.
Can you supply us with examples of protesters in NYC asking for the death of Jews and/or threatening Jews in NYC?
Welcome to the party, pal! 🤗
They are utterly not peaceful protestors. They are playing games of intent with the media. Here is a pic of an apparently blonde white woman in a keffiyeh holding up a sign that reads “Al-Qasam’s (Hamas) Next Targets” in front of pro-Israel counter protesters at a protest at Columbia University.
Also this. 👀
She completely represents others. Why would anyone want to minimize one single person holding up a threat on a sign because it’s antisemitic? 🪧 What about these other signs? Why do you see these other signs as a clear problem but the one that is against (((Israel))) is somehow “no big deal.” 🧐
That's one picture in answer to my query and three from the 1960s. What's your point in doing that?
For the record, AFAIK there have been 0 acts of aggression recorded against Jewish students. 0. So what we called in Berkeley in the 60's a peaceful protest. Talk is cheap, and young idealistic kids can and will say silly things... But meanwhile, there ARE 30000 dead and 75000 maimed. Just sayin
“for the record…there have been 0 acts of aggression recorded against Jewish students”. So everyone quoted in this article is what, making it up? (There’s even a photo of the “Al-Qasam’s next targets” sign if you scroll up the thread!)
Rabbi advises Jewish students to ‘return home as soon as possible’ following reports of ‘extreme antisemitism’ on and around <i>Editor’s note: This article deals with topics of harassment, violence, and antisemitism.</i>
By the way I fully support an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and I agree with OP that the nature of the protests doesn’t change what’s right to do. That doesn’t mean that antisemitism on Columbia’s campus is non-existent, and it should be dealt with. (Instead, Columbia arrested peaceful campers!)
I'm quite sure I never said that there weren't antisemitic comments being made.
What is a hateful antisemitic comment, many of them threatening actual violence, if not an act of aggression? Most death threats don’t actually get carried out, does that make them okay? Also are you missing that one had a heavy object thrown at him?
Thanks Jared. I haven't seen a single account of an incident, and the purported incident between a protester and a counter protester is silly. Try attending a real protest like in France before you take that account as serious. If you have others I'd be happy to see a link to the source.
And OF COURSE if one is against Israeli Gaza policy then OF FREAKING COURSE it follows that you're FOR the Hamas attack and DEFINITELY antisemitic... right? I mean, that's logical, right? Everybody seems to think so, at least...
We could learn that the reason they chose the side trying to wipe the Jewish state off the map is because of hate. And so maybe that state actually doesn't have that terrible crime coming.