
i'm not sure how I'd calculate what percentage of my political opinions and intellectual personality are the direct result of watching people manufacture two whole wars, collectively shrug and say "oops! well, anyways..." and then watercolor into the sunset but i'd say it's gotta be above 50%
We desperately need a historical accounting of GWB's worldwide destructive impacts because it's clear to me that too many people seem unaware.
And none of those cheerleaders suffered any consequences. They are still out there like nothing happened.
They still work for the NYT and The Atlantic! What a clusterfuck.
NYT’s has been reporting since 1851 and The Atlantic first started in 1857. They’re a respectable media source. Never had people(Trump worshippers) come after them until Trump. Trump hates any media speaking anything negative about him. He’s like Putin, but Putin jails them as he’s a dictator.
Yeah -- between this and the rise of domestic surveillance programs, any therapist won't have to dig deep to find the source of trust issues
This! Plus the first centrist "we miss good ole W" post is probably the moment I fully jokerfied
Hard same. Honestly, if it wasn’t for Iraq there is an absolutely zero percent chance that my trajectory of political formation would have taken the path that it did.
It pisses me off that that fucking war criminal gets to look like a sweet grandpa just because he knows how to avoid saying the quiet part loud. That man is responsible for untold suffering
Trying to remember how it affected me as a kid. I'm reminded of in Jr High the theater class invited a Iraqi vet to talk to us & he had the same dead-eyed "I dunno kids it is what it is" demeanor that the guy who committed vehicular manslaughter brought to us to convince us not to drink & drive did
Now and then I write something like "I'm an elderly, responsible, fairly stereotypical data librarian who works mostly on pollution and climate. Why do you think I'm an anarchist who wants our system to fall? Do you think I haven't thought about it?" Never works.
Yeah, I switched my studies as an undergrad to political science because I wanted to understand, not knowing that there was nothing there to understand. It was a huge influence on me, and I cannot stomach the success those involved are currently having. MSNBC hosts!
Extremely, thoroughly same. GWB's enthusiastic liberal rehabilitation -- when they barely cared in the first place -- has been very difficult for me after living through those years in shock and horror. They're impervious to caring about human suffering.
At least they nuked the economy before they left
They’re not U.S. wars. Trump signed 10 yr agreement with Israel to sell $3.8 billion in military arms per yr in 2019, finalized 2020. Kushner this up. Read about this agreement that expires in 2028. Biden now has to deal with Trumps blunder. Last President that started a new war was Bush!
That's who he's talking about - the 2 wars started by Bush.