
Would be extremely funny if NYT's approval rating was the only one to take a hit from the Biden coverage
The funniest possible approval rating outcome:
I get why people feel this. I always do, but this time, for once, I feel it myself! Usually during a cycle of hatred for the NYT (or WaPo or just The Media) I roll my eyes a bit. Like "they are what they are, they print some stupid shit but it's good to have a big professional media apparatus."
...this time, though? It's all so viscerally disgusting and the outcome they seem to be aiming for whether they know it or not would be so corrosive that the whole brand is really tarnished for me.
still gonna do my puzzles, i'm not made of stone but
I think it’s the worst they’ve been since the run up to the Iraq war
Ha I was thinking as I wrote that stuff that somebody was gonna parachute in like "OH I SEE you were okay with all the Iraq-Judith Miller-yellowcake stuff but BIDEN is where you draw the line" lol. And, fair. But that was a different time. I was young!
Back in the early Bush era it was just exciting to read Paul Krugman roasting them all a couple times a week. You didn't get that in your hometown paper!
And they still haven't apologized for that.
They’re rooting for the thing that kills them too! Do they not fucking understand that? Second thing Trump would do is destroy their dumb asses. The first is destroy US. If he gets in again, there won’t be a paper publishing anything that’s not MAGA bullshit after February.
is that something that anyone even polls?
Social posters have to get into the habit of not taking the outrage bait and clicking and/or linking to them, though. Starve them of engagement fast and long enough for them to get the lesson. Unfortunately I don’t have high expectation for the masses to exercise that level of restraint.
"Debate loss," stated as if it were as solid as "Mets victory."
And who is it even *for*? The fascist tools won't suddenly subscribe to the New York Times. They're just chasing off the only demographic left who might want to do business with them. All because the owner is a whiny little pissbaby over Biden's (clearly well-founded) refusal of an interview.
NYT has taken yellow journalism to the next level: Piss-Yellow Journalism.