
got COVID for the first time this past week. tons of conflicting information on returning to exercise - some say wait as long as 2 weeks, others say as needed, few distinguish between lifting and more cardio demanding sports. anybody have a source they trust on these questions?
this topic has been a misinfo mess here to the point where i’m just asking what the deal is (also because i lost my uptodate access)
There is really no evidence that can guide the decision but overall the risk is probably pretty low but the informal advice then varies from “don’t push yourself until you feel better” to “don’t exercise for a couple of weeks even if you feel ok”. No data supports which approach is correct
thank you!! like drinking from a firehose keeping up with this stuff is
first time I've seen a 20-point RPE scale! also very helpful thanks
My sense was that it was better to err on not exerting oneself for a few weeks, because, even if it led to deconditioning, conditioning could be regained, whereas if the exercise caused more significant circulatory effects, then those would be harder to overcome.