
Dozens of IDF reservists who served in Gaza during the war sign a consciousness objection letter saying they will not agree to serve in Gaza again. Haaretz. There is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in.
Conscientious objection, damnit.
I often object to consciousness, to be fair
The life of a p-zombie seems a lot less fraught
I hope that I'd have the courage. In my time, pre-Rabin's assassination, I went anywhere I was told. Post, I didn't want to defend any settlements, so I asked to protect utilities instead (which was much less cushy). Same effect without the PR, although the PR is also important sometimes.
I never had the courage. After my first ever reserve duty, which was in Gaza, I only asked to be placed in reserve duties I was able to rationalize to myself. Placement officers didn't want the trouble so they just let me have it. I don't know if I'd had the courage to cause trouble if they didn't.
These considerations did play a major role in our decision to leave Israel, though.
Absolutely! I don't like to say I told you so or act up like some prophet (especially when I'm so wrong so often), but I saw it coming. The moral and cultural decline. The profound schisms. The inherent racism. The symptoms were there, Oct 7 and its derivatives are just the puss exploding all over.
What consequences do the IDF reservists who signed that letter now face?
Potentially jail time. But as long as it remains small, I suspect the IDF will simply not call them again and leave it at that for PR reasons.
Interesting that they made the least morally defensible military duties the most “cushy”.
Nobody made it so. It's the nature of the role. An entry to a village (moral or immoral) is a first-world cabin, with a supply truck stopping occasionally to hand off soda or a snack. A military base is naturally austere and usually remote. Bonus: If you defend an antenna, radiation is free!
Was excited to see this but a bit less after seeing the letter was actually published a month ago. Doesn’t seem like much has changed in the interim. Maybe there’s a small chance the article will help generate momentum.
Absolutely. Are they the same IDF who ignored Netanyahu and opened the border so more food and supplies could get into Gaza or was that another group of soldiers?