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It's a beautiful world we live in and I'm not trying to sell ANY of it to you.

I make awesome mac and cheese.

Treating others with empathy is not weakness.
There just aren't any men I would 'give a try' because I'm not wired that way, in the same way that conversion therapy doesn't work. Anyone who would give him a try is more towards the middle of the scale, and there is NOTHING wrong with that, but I'm not there. I'm comfortably where I am.
Reminds me of a Strongbad quote: "Do you use your powers for good, or for awesome?"
Reposted byAvatar Onedimental
Sort of? That's a line you hear in popular media like TV shows and movies to convince the serfs that they aren't serfs.
The other place, the beforeTime place, is getting so terrible. I understood it when a lot of my favorite follows made the jump here or elsewhere, but now my understanding is even more understooder. Too many decent follows for me to just quit cold turkey but I should be transitioning here.
"Hey let's use big data to dox all of our users." "That's genius level stuff there, what could possibly go wrong? Make it so." I wonder how many fleeing partners just got found, never mind other downstream effects.
And 99% unrelated, I thought in response "it's not that counsel is now priced out of reach of so many more people, it's that representation has probably kept a fairly steady cost while wages have not kept pace."
Does the meme have sun-based powers?
They made it sound like it happens at all! And I don't like that! And it hardly happens at all!
It makes a lot of sense if you think he never REALLY grew out of this: "While you were snorting fat rails off my crush's [redacted], I studied the blade."
Why? Ok, let's try it this way: I think your heart is in the right place but your brain is not. That's not an insult, I promise. You have strong principles but you refuse to consider what rigid adherence will result in. Choose between 'more misery or a LOT more misery' - NO misery isn't an option.
Engaging is conversation is being mad, now. But only for me, not you, is that it? I'm not mad. I can think you're wrong and not be mad at you. You can disagree with me without making me mad.
Not even remotely mad. Grow up, tho.
I was fairly sure I knew but now I'm wondering what you've been talking about. Or realizing the more likely thing is you're not really willing to face this or reflect on it. You just want to pure-principle your way into who knows what. "You can't blame me, I threw my vote away on Unicorn4Pres."
You make a prediction, then. You vote for an alternate candidate that fits your needs perfectly. What happens?
The possibility that he really meant 'free speech absolutist' died within days of him first saying he was. He has since proven over and over that ahahaha no, no, not even remotely.
This isn't Bush vs Gore or McCain vs Obama where yeah the outcome determines just how much coddling the wealthy get at our expense (because it's gonna happen no matter who wins) - this is much more serious. And I hate 'throw your vote away' rhetoric but any other choice right now is exactly that.
Or those who joined and then didn't resign after it became clear what they had really signed up. She could resign today it and it would be far too late to be out of actual principle.
Elon's Complaint: "Filthy commoners are saying nasty things about me." FedSoc Judge: "WAT? OUTRAGEOUS!"
This is a finely crafted, layered blueet and I appreciate it.
I am so bad at putting in eye drops that when I do it one per eye with no misses I think "where is my medal for this?"
Years of training in cultish admiration with sports teams, sports figures, and entertainment personalities have blurred the lines between 'public servant' and 'glorious leader / messiah' for far too many people. (Across the spectrum.)
And if they have a hotdog station they probably don't really monitor if you get a chili dog or a bucket of chili that happens to have a hot dog in it somewhere. Lowest bidder chili cheese fries for a week for a few bucks? What could possibly go wrong?
First meme to make me actually irl lol today, very nice no notes.
Inciting stochastic terrorism is (usually) protected speech in the US. Or put more accurately, it's easy to do it in a way that is protected. But it's a thing one can very easily choose not to do, so those who do it are trash.
Docks... and... I forget. But I'm halfway there.
U.S. Citizenship Test: Tommy used to work on the ____. Gina works the ___ all day. We're ___ there. Living on a ___.
These people forget when they are talking to crapto-zombies far too often.
That is absolutely horrific. At the same time, that tracks perfectly, right down the absolute center like it was laser-plumbed.