
Everything's complicated and my hesitation about replacing Biden up to now has been informed by polls showing other candidates not doing much better. But a lot of people seem remarkably certain that Harris specifically could not win a general election for reasons I think they should say out loud.
There's a very specific personal vulnerability there that I'm surprised hasn't come up much on the right, but my sense is that doubt here is more about, uh, demographic concerns that haven't really been fleshed out or justified explicitly. Could be wrong.
This is very valid and true, but if the choice is between her a guy who cannot reliably complete sentences without a teleprompter...I dunno, man.
To be fair, the last time she was in a national election, everyone thought she would be a formidable candidate but she did terribly, and was widely considered a surprisingly poor campaigner. So there is a data point.
“Cannot reliably complete sentences without a teleprompter” is a false statement. Just objectively false.
Yes, it is and it’s wild to pretend otherwise.
Did you watch the debate? He could not reliably complete a sentence.
I think you should reread what I said so you can understand it better.
You’re splitting an incredibly thin hair
...yeah it is. You believe he has teleprompters following him in every convo has with his family, cabinet members and other politicians? Every time he talks to anybody he just trails off into this distance? Bc he had a bad evening debate. Laughable.
Clearly false. A good friend of mine met him in May at the White House, and he was extensively lucid, got interrupted during the conversation and then resumed what he was saying mid-sentence