Chris A Field, Otherverse Games

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Chris A Field, Otherverse Games

Founder of Otherverse Games. Transformer Nerd. Ex-Navy. Pro-choice pagan badass. He/him.
Same handle on the Muskhole.
Iron Man It was such an incredibly faithful adaptation of my favorite superhero.
name your fav superhero film.
Yuna is one of the most fascinating characters in videogames ever. Half Shinto priestess, half suicide bomber, she turns into the anime equivalent of Martin Luther by midgame, bringing down a corrupt and unbelievably powerful planetary religion.
Despite everything, it's a videogame-themed #weebwednesday once again! Give me your videogame related hot takes - no racist shit, no inflammatory shit, let's do this!
Hello, did you successfully protect President Kimball in Fallout New Vegas? If you've got the trophy to prove it, the US Secret Service wants to hire you! You're already more qualified any of our existing agents!
An even more tasteless ad from a decade prior: Stevie Wonder advertising Atari.
Non musical movie with a great soundtrack. The score was even better than the first movie. "Mona Lisa Overdrive" is incredible found its way into my TTRPG battle sound tracks.
Frame from a non musical movie with a great soundtrack.
Today, let's focus on a genuinely kind, heroic and noble Vance. Vance Astrovik.
JD, you dumb redneck twat, your Supreme Court said Biden is legally allowed to drop a nuke on Donny Daughterfucker if he really wanted to. He wouldn't be pissing around plinking at the idiot with a .22.
I regularly fight off groups of Hand Ninjas.
I am ridiculously tempted to find a 40 mm/O scale news van model kit, print out the Yuri Network News logo and use it as the Marvel Crisis Protocol equivalent to CNN.
Today on Okazu – Yuri Network News – (百合ネットワークニュース) – July 13, 2024 Yuri manga, Visual Novels, Anime and much more on this week’s new from the global Yuri network!
Article continues: "these attacks on Biden are the harbingers of a new political coalition ."
Marvel Studios, you have the perfect actor. Cast him for the live action Bill the Lobster before he ends up in a stew pot.
I'm not gonna lie, I love the idea that bright blue crayfish are that hue just because. Or, as one researcher put it, a "happy evolutionary accident." That story and more of the best from Science and science in this edition of #ScienceAdviser: 🧪 🦐
Put this under a big hanging cage with a note saying "Free Jetfire" . I'd fall for it every time.
If someone was baiting a trap to specifically catch you, what bait would they use? Mine would be a big lump of hash (can't get it round here, miss it a lot) or a '59 Fender Bassman amp
Drop a ship that's not from Star Wars or Star Trek:
Drop a ship that's not from Star Wars or Star Trek:
Also thinking about how some writer once claimed Cyborg's sonic blaster could max out at 1 million decibels. Which, because the decibel scale is logarithmic, the energy released would destroy the entire known universe instantly.
Maybe the Responsometer. Doc Magnus created sentient artificial life.
I think it's the weather wand. Control of the climate in a hand weapon? All of the Rogues have really spectacular weapons but the weather wand is in a different league. Any of these guys could sell their tech to the Pentagon and be billionaires but they rob banks instead.
Was Planet Terry one of Snowflame's bastards?
John Carter of Mars is an isekai.
Alright friends, it's #weebwednesday but abridged because i have a busy day ahead of me - post em, and i'll try to get to em as soon as I can!
I like the way you think. Needs some Sector Mechanicus cranes and tractors to, for aircraft tending.
Find a banged up USS Flagg as a chassis and Grot the fuck outta it.