
I will be straight up, considering the United States’ behavior towards refugees fleeing persecution, I’m not sure that Americans who try to do the same shouldn’t have their passports flagged and be asked to leave. But ESPECIALLY if you try to flee to a country USA has interfered with.
On the one hand I don't like the American notion they can just jet-set to another country and think they can just do that but on the other hand I don't like the logic here - Syria has treated Palestinian refugees from the Nakba abominably but does that mean Syrian refugees should be treated poorly?
I am talking strictly about USA, which acts as a world police, which destabilizes governments, denies their refugees, & has enabled many of the conditions that have led to the plight of Palestinians. I am not flattening situations I’m less informed about in a way that views them all as the same.
ultimately I don't like this conflation of the people with the government if there is a civil war in the US the people fleeing would ultimately be people who weren't in the halls of power - it's not like former Nazis fleeing to Argentina - so I am inclined to mercy
I get you and we share many of the same views, they just diverge in how we parse them. I view Americans with the privilege to leave as generally complicit in the global disaster that we've & settling elsewhere often more akin to gentrification. Leaving US but bringing Americanism is bad.
See I get you, I do. But I really really don't vibe with "let's punish Americans because they're unwillingly complicit." I'm black trans and queer. My family wasn't brought here because we wanted to be. Being an unwilling participant is one thing, but that seems cruel.
I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm saying to punish Americans, because I'm not. As a Black American myself who is privileged enough to be able to leave I'm not sure where I would go that doesn't hate Black Americans or other marginalized people though. But I do think settling elsewhere may harm locals
I don't think it has to harm locals. There's a way to properly integrate into other cultures without slathering it in Americanism. I have seen a couple friends who were privileged enough to leave do so. They may face issue being black and ex-American, but that's as far as that goes.
I just feel like barring refugees is a very American thing to do and if the point is revenge, then that's just cruel and punishment.
Ghana is having tensions between Black American ex-pats and locals. Also, Nigeria is having tensions between Algerian ex-pats and locals, especially in the culture industries. American ex-pat community problems aren’t exceptional because those type of community issues are normal across the world.
Ghanian ex-pats in Nigeria, I mean, but also probably what I wrote too.
I'm not saying everyone that moves does so in a way that's beneficial to the culture they're moving to. I'm just saying there IS a way to move and do so respectfully. I'm also guess it depends greatly on where. I just don't think "fuck all Americans, they can stay and rot" is cool.
It’s also not realistic. The “Nation falls to authoritarianism, citizens begin a diaspora” process happens in the poorest and most isolated nations in the world. Even if liberalism triumphs, we’ll get a conservative version. Brazil still has Confederacy refugee ex-pat communities.