
"The members of the mainstream media are human beings (despite frequent appearances to the contrary) and human beings respond to incentives. There is an enormous personal financial incentive to another four years of Trump in the White House"
The Media Rigs The 2024 History Continues To Repeat Itself
I'm a brain doc (Consultation-Liaison psych). For *years* Trump has shown uninterrupted, increasingly severe cognitive symptoms: he's incapable of linear thought *at baseline*. Whatever disrupted Biden's linear thought in the debate is at worst intermittent. Bonus: he's not an overt fascist.
Yeah, independent media journalists always fare super well when a dictatorship starts consolidating.
Even if I felt an enormous personal financial incentive to meet a firefighter, I'd explore options beyond just spraying kerosene into my downstairs neighbor's apartment.
“Both siding” is pretending to care about liberal democracy while backing fascism. Elite pundits know what side their bread is buttered on and it’s the fascist side.
That the elite punditry that keep writing about the ‘horrors of the left’ have nothing to lose. They are wealthy, white, cis, het, Christian, and mostly male. They don’t worry their marriage will be illegal or they’ll be arrested for indecency for holding hands with their same-sex spouse in public.
They don’t worry they’ll lose healthcare. That they will lose their because of a social media post. That their existence will be invalidated. That they’ll be deported or arrested. It’s not just the money they make from chaos, their socio-economic status and demographics put them out of harm’s way.
This is what they've been doing for decades. It's what they did to Al Gore. And John Kerry. And Howard Dean and Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. On the flip side, they decided W shouldn't be held accountable for 9/11 or torture, and now have decided Trump shouldn't be accountable for anything.
I desperately wish you were wrong.
Psst. That incentive is based on a false belief, which CEO's, etc. have also bought into. Trump is in it for Trump, and will betray ANYONE. Truth/Social will be declared the official Government platform for everything, and all these media outlets will be able to do is quote that.
Then i think they don’t get it. Anyone who disagrees with trump will likely fall out of windows, like those in Russia who disagree with the dictator.
Trump was fantastic for their business. A close friend of several decades who is a former NYT correspondent told me yesterday he hates to be so cynical, but Trump was good for centrist newspapers and as soon as trump wins the NYT will "pose as the great upholders of truth in a post truth country"
Their financial incentive won’t do B then a lot of good when the B country burns to the ground.
All I can picture is Jon Karl teasing a book.
Sure. As long as Trump and his right wing NAGAt enablers *ALLOW* MSN to continue to exist. Something they dont seem to consider.
They should go to hell then
Ever since Biden took office, there's been this palpable longing in the major news organs for the man who made things so chaotic that people HAD to go to their services to keep up with what was going on and whether it would fuck up their lives - or to laugh/cheer at the TV clown in the Oval Office.
But I didn't think a 2nd Trump term would work for them quite like they're reminiscing about. The news will be taken over, if he takes office. Maybe the owners and shareholders will profit from it? But the press always suffers under dictators.
The non-Trump candidate seems to be an easier sell against this effect when they are an outsider and/or have leverage against the status quo/“elite” via material benefits (e.g. Bernie). Gross but clever play by MSM to go all out against a moderate like Biden. Hard to explain to voters, nice work.
Biden is not moderate. He is center-right. Most of the party is. This constant claim of the Democratic Party being left is aided by brain dead comparison against the batshit insanity of the right wing.
Agreed, low on characters. Good point though.
The overwhelmingly Lefty press wants Trump, who is a significant threat to the press, to win. Gotcha. #ConspiracyTheory
Sure, it is a lot more comforting to think that Trump's popularity is somehow due to the press, instead of facing the fact that lots of Americans love Trump. Just like it is a lot more comforting to think that "Bush did 9/11" is more comforting than 19 randos brought down four planes.