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Audio engineer, dog-lover, endlessly reading nerd
Our best chance with J.D. Vance is that one day at Mar-a-Lago Trump dares him to hold his breath underwater for five minutes or swallow a golf ball or something, you know because he’ll do it and that’s hilarious, and the problem takes care of itself.
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
time to dust this one off. amen.
Vance is, you guessed it, an adult Catholic convert
“In the name of unity, stop taking issue with Jan. 6” is “when you say it’s wrong that I hit you, you’re tearing this family apart” on a national scale.
Trump just named as his #2 a guy who called for insurrection charges against a journalist for writing an op-ed & wants to censor academics and seize the assets of nonprofits he opposes. The "free speech" brigades haven't said a goddamn thing. And their benefactor just pledged $150m to elect him.
timeline cleanse
Nyarlathotep is all “okay I love chaos and madness and cruelty but this guy is just a dick.”
the farce continues
@dwnews: JUST IN: Donald Trump has named Ohio Senator JD Vance, 39, as his running mate
The meekest immigrant doing the most humbling manual labor is just trying to improve his life and support his family. It’s the same reason Vance degrades himself before a man he knows is a fraud, and who seems to enjoy humiliating him. The difference is that there’s honor in manual labor.
I oppose this worldview—this theory of America—with every fiber of my being.
If a Democrat had been the target of an assassination attempt, can anyone plausibly imagine a Trump statement that did not denigrate and equivocate?
the "violence shook this previously peaceful white christian nationalist rally railing against the vermin tainting the blood of the country" stories are going to destroy me
Well, that picture of him with blood on his face screaming ‘fuck you’ is gonna win him the election.
Well the algorithm got that right anyway
The moron early-warning system is going off.
If we're moving straight from "Biden too old" to "RFK Jr. is serial sexual abuser" without taking a good hard look at how Trump is basically the same age as Biden and has enough sexual assaults to make Caligula blush, I'm going to climb a tree and throw rocks at cars.
My beloved editor can be your beloved editor!
I have two spaces for new editing clients in August! Reach out with the details of your project and we'll learn if I'm the best person to help you develop your manuscript.
Because, Character Matters
Project 2025 authors at the Heritage Foundation are already alleging the next election will be stolen, claiming any result other than a Trump victory in November will have been the result of fraud and will be challenged.
Granted, as a straight white lady, I’d be extremely far down the list, but the notion that my not-terribly-steamy romances would be bannable and prosecutable as porn in a Project2025 world is one of those “laugh hysterically while they’re dragging you away” things.
I'm certain the P2025 position was not fully explained. They don't want to outlaw porn, they want to criminalize it. And they say anything LGBTQ+ related is porn. Gay? You're a criminal, go to prison. Trans? Prison. Dad's Playboy collection in the attic? Prison.
Welcome to my skeets! Average days go like this: 1) Politics oh god oh god 2) Webcomics! Are! Amazing! 3) My dogs are so great 4) Scratch that my dogs ate half a skunk 5) More politics, woe 6) Dick joke 7) Gardening!!! 8) I should be/am/just finished writing 9) Help, all the politics
Welcome to my skeets! Average days go like this: 1) Safety rant 2) Shitty products 3) Another safety rant 4) Yermom joek 5) Wholesome education 6) Cats 7) POOPJOEK 8) Illustrative history 9) Safety deep sighs
"Why won't the media move on from the topic of Biden's age?" asks the media.
Related: I bought and assembled a Lego Coliseum for the sole reason that it’s the best cat bed possible.
There’s a presidential candidate who organized a coup on live TV and was recently convicted of dozens of felonies for something entirely separate, and the political system is demanding his opponent step down.
And the US press corps covers themselves in glory yet again. Oh wait. [ sniff ] That isn’t glory.