
I was reading about how the restaurant chain Rubio's was closing a bunch of locations and blaming California's new minimum wage law for fast food workers. So I did a quick search for Rubio's with the term "private equity" and you're never going to believe this but.... yes you will believe it.
Do you think the problems at Rubio's, which seemed to get bad in 2017 and really came to a head in 2020, were related to any minimum wage laws in Florida? Or do you think they're bullshitting for ideological reasons?
Rubios is bland wannabe Mexican food. You can get better food from a real Mexican taqueria.
That's not the point now, is it? Just like 'they gave away too much shrimp for free'
I mean it’s definitely part of the point. A restaurant that can’t pay a lease isn’t sustainable, and one reason that happens is bad food.
Please read the part again on how management overloaded the company with debt. Please read up on how Private Equity firms in general overload companies with debt. There's no quality of product that can fight against that.
I am pretty familiar with how LBO's work. At the time they made the loans, the cash flow of the business was sufficient to support them (otherwise no lender would do it). Obviously things changed since then, and bad food certainly makes it harder for a restaurant to succeed.
Just found this as well. There was one additional problem in 2017:
Like clockwork. Really don't get how PE LBOs are legal when every last time it's basically a hostile takeover aimed at bleeding something dry, or setting it up to be bled dry by the last group holding the bag.
[croons] did our cheap money come with shitloads of debt? yes it did, yes it did, who's a cute little captain of industry, yes you a... [gunshot]
Obligatory reminder that private equity takes everything, provides nothing in return.
Since pandemic changed the way I view small businesses. There is a class structure in this country that Republican Party encourages that anyone with a shitty little or big business is better than people who work for wages. If you can’t afford the cost of doing business you shouldn’t be in business.
Fuck. I live in SD, Rubio’s was born here. 😢
Wait. Don't tell me. I can see what you're going to say from another fucking solar system away through the psychic power of Duh Obvious.