Patchouli Woollahra

Patchouli Woollahra

A cleaner version of a very filthy-mouthed Twitter account. If you know where, you know. if you don't, it don't matter. More focused on art rather than critiques, though expect me to still protest if you say something utterly absurd and terrible.
Avatar is not your beard. Is my nesting spotte. #catte
You've probably seen this photo - it's Louis Coulon. He was born in Vandenesse, France, in 1826 and became famous by posing for postcards with his extremely long beard. He also worked as a toolmaker at a foundry in Montluçon. Info source:
i feel like this picture of a headstone i took today has some real potential flawed but potential new family member -it's a Zelex with minor cut damages
I'm about to pay someone to cut between 90,000 and 150,000 of my body parts off. They're all the same body part, but I have so many of them, and that's just on my head. I can't stop them from growing so I have to pay a guy to cut them. He leaves a little behind, and I sport that, as a fashion
IRONIC: Theseus had no idea that most of the cells in his body would be replaced every seven to ten years Cats and dogs singing together:
Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box (Animal Cover) My channel is demonitized now, so you can support me on patreon! Once became a patron you can vote for which cover will be next! Так как у пользователей из России есть проблемы с патреоном, то я также завел аккаунт и на бусти, подписавшись вы сможете голосовать за следующий кавер! Ну а если ни то ни другое не интересно, то можно просто кинуть монету на Тинькофф 4377 7278 0688 4495 Я категорически НЕ привествую различные сомнительные интеграции, их и без того стало очень много. Поэтому канал существует только за счет неравнодушных пользователей. И самое интересное - такие есть! Всем очень благодарен за поддержку) На всякий случай Telegram ✉ = BIG THANKS TO ACTIVE SPONSORS They are truly the best :D Спасибо вам, ребяты, вы лучшие) Addison Grist Valan Adam Giffen MrPoopy Butthole Sir Flocki Pascal Gutt George Hazan Anastasia Ponomareva notWhaleB Gregory Boutte Petr Vladykin IrinaStr Shadowmoon Vadanta NichToT Saulo S S M msifeed Tim Schmolka Oleksii Latuhov Benito Schmidt Aleksey Kovinsky Rexxarius Neko Natum l1muba1 Yirkha Daniil Brusentsov Alexandra Kedrina EvilDed DJ6i Ilya S ivkomi Vursik Chad Coup Ivan Deriu Erica Cross Ilgiz Ianuzakov Jonathan MacIntyre Lionel F. Microfrost Uladzislau Muraveika Meg Sumner Aleros911 Sanguinary Marmalade dashosh NihilistRising Geerd Jacobs Pedro da Silva Moshe Ruzin Alexander Korolkov Nikolay Kurikov Kamijan Badritdinov Aleksandra Belousova Ptichitsa DEng. Lizard Ilya Malikov
"I'm just saying I think Children Of Men had lots of great ideas."
Spontaneous cheese and sausage? Sounds awesome.
Live your life so that cheese spontaneously arrives at your door some of these new Adobe ToS changes are PRECISELY why i'm no longer using their software.
Yeah, the problem is that it does so permanently all too often.
This looks suspiciously exactly like the sort of propaganda aliens would spread to foster distrust of a organization that unites humans.