
Lawyers in my mentions are the most in denial about what happened at SCOTUS today. They're coming up with all kinds of perfectly logical reasons why Trump's state cases wouldn't be taken up by SCOTUS eventually.
I think that when you've been brought up in a system built strongly on norms and the idea of rule of law/good faith its very hard to adjust and understand when the most senior judges in the land have abandoned these
I mean? Hillary brought an unsecured Blackberry onto foreign soil and copied and transferred state secrets on a private server. Those are clear illegal acts, yet too big to prosecute. Epstein killed himself. Hell, Dick Cheney was drunk and shot a guy in the face, and he apologized to Cheney.
The system can't sleep though. There has to be some understanding of what constitutes a break-glass-in-case-of-emergency situation.
Elite lawyer brain is a thing. Regardless, for them to admit otherwise would be to admit that the Supreme Court is in the hands of political operatives with no way out.
SCOTUS broke the rule of law with an inconsistent and anti-Constitutional ruling, so we cannot lawyer our way out. That system can't protect us right now. That doesn't mean we shouldn't try to reestablish the rule of law, but the opposition is not going to play fair and we need to be very creative
Pfft, lawyers! What do they know? That’s why I always consul tech reporters before going to court
Morning Joe today had a lot of that you gone: oh it's not all as bad as some are saying etc