Flowers Georg

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Flowers Georg

I like pie. she/her
This dog is so obsessed with food he eats rotten windfall fruit (plums and half grown apples)
We made a rule that songs about poop and pee need to be sung in the bathroom so F is singing one in the shower right now. Dog Man has given us so much. 💩
Reposted byAvatar Flowers Georg
here's the thing: I love salad and raw veggies in general and stone fruit, and it's about all I want to eat when it's this hot out, but whew there are so many...digestive consequences 💨
He went off the diving board six or seven times. I'm so proud of this kid! He's so much more comfortable in the water and it has been a PROCESS to get here (he has a lot of sensory issues with water on his face/around his nose etc)
always celebrate the cherry
today is nonidi 19 Messidor in the year of the Republic CCXXXII, celebrating the cherry
Somehow one of the roses didn't burn yet 🌱
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before you can really address anything that any people at these meetings believe you've got to ask a foundational question that's like, "okay, first things first, are you aware that there are people in the world who are not you"
Eleven years ago made us this diorama featuring all of our kitties and I still look at it every day. (Princess Robin in the chair, Loki in the window, Petra in the box)
Suggestions for things to do in Denver. F was only 3 the last time we went, so too young for most of the fun stuff. We've already got Nature & Science Museum (and Meow Wolf if we can swing it) on the list, what else is great for a 6.75 year old? (We moved away in 2010, could be new stuff!)
reminding Colorado pals that we will be there at the end of this month! The 24th through the 31st!
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Of course now I have to post the comic based on the tweet shown in that reskeet, because that's actually where I first encountered it.
The kitty turned 15* today, so kid sang her happy birthday to celebrate *we know she was born in early July so we just picked the fourth for funsies
Reposted byAvatar Flowers Georg
Attention: We interrupt this doom-laden timeline with…….me enthusing about a little golden box with winged dolphin feet
Death, automatons and a Also: maybe dial it down a notch, Germans
It was too hot to walk until like 8:30 last night but the upside was getting to see the soap plant flowers
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me: tummy hurts... Toby: you got drunk last night & ate a lot of bones. me: why did I eat bones? Toby: for the bone god. me: the bone god was here?! what did he want? Toby: bones. me: why did I eat them? Toby: to keep them from the bone god. me: oh. right. we need a sign that says no bone gods
If you see this, etc etc
if you see this, you have to post a picture from your phone but don't explain it.
Not many takers yet today, I'm still happy to give you a flower if you want one!
Anyone else need a flower today? Just @ me
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I honestly think that even if I manage to keep most of the plants alive in this incessant heat (at least two weeks, no end in sight), the dahlias probably won't make flowers and I'm unsure if the tomatoes will set any fruit. Not many plants are happy with weeks of 100+F degree heat.
One small thing I've done since I joined bsky is block every account that's clearly posting stuff made with AI. I don't want that shit to show up in my feed or to interact with people posting it.
if we had a gym in town worth paying for I'd almost consider a membership (I'd be the only one in a mask) but I've looked inside and definitely not worth the $$$.
desperate for my own exercise machine or weight bench/weight set so I can exercise at all the next couple of weeks. There just isn't enough time to do everything that needs doing in the morning before it all gets too hot! We just still don't have anywhere to put them 🫠
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Reposted byAvatar Flowers Georg
Notice how everyone is somehow talking about Biden Too Old right now, and NOT about how the Supreme Court just legalized Trump being a dictator for life and gutted the administrative state, and how the Heritage Foundation is now issuing terrorist threats? Think that might not be an accident?
That part isn't the disinfo part. It's the chaos and rumormongering that is going to be used to get Mike fucking Johnson etc. into power once they push Kamala Harris out of the line of succession. It's also being used to distract everyone from mounting a coordinated response to the Supreme Court
Reposted byAvatar Flowers Georg
me: hey boss i can't come in today i've got corvid boss: you mean covid? me: *lying in bed transformed into a giant crow* no
desperate for my own exercise machine or weight bench/weight set so I can exercise at all the next couple of weeks. There just isn't enough time to do everything that needs doing in the morning before it all gets too hot! We just still don't have anywhere to put them 🫠
Got official cast list for the holiday pantomime we had callbacks for, F and I are both ensemble as expected. got a speaking roles, but not the one he wanted. It'll be the first time we're all on stage together since the embryo transfer in February 2017!