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Book lover. Dog lover. Fighting cancer. Ex Postie
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🧵Judge Luttig's take on the six Supreme Court Justices and their betrayal of the Constitution is a stark warning to all Americans. I don't care what party you traditionally support, a vote for a Republican candidate in November is a vote for an Imperial presidency.
FED UP Judge Luttig RIPS the Supreme Court’s In a special Legal AF interview, conservative icon and defender of the Constitution, former Judge J. Michael Luttig joins Michael Popok for a candid and hard...
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France & UK held the line against the rising fascist tide. It's America's responsibility & duty to do the same. In November, we must resoundingly reject authoritarianism & all the trappings of hatred. One nation. Indivisible. With liberty & justice for all.
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Told ya they’re going to try to pull a Comey. And don’t they already have Biden’s bank stuff? But, Dr. Comer Pyle wants to kno why they didn’t give Biden a cognitive test. Dr. Pyle forgot u MoCA to see if a person needs more tests/interventions for dementia. IOW- if u 𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 dementia 1st MoCA.
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Republicans have no problem nominating a pedophile to become our next President of the United States. They do have a problem providing funds to feed poverty stricken children though.
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Aaaand here comes the Birtherism.
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Now Focus on Trump! Vince Greenwood Ph.D. describes Trump's pathology on "Shrinking Trump " (starting at the 43 min. mark)."I use the term "clinical psychopath..." "The incapacity to experience any guilt, any shame, any empathy. And that is a very dangerous thing."
Post-debate analysis: We all need to take a breath | Shrinking Drs. Gartner and Segal talk to geriatrician Dr Elizabeth Landsverk to discuss the fallout and future implications behind Biden's debate performance.Make sure...
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Cry more, you bitchass nazi loser.
People in Congress older than Joe Biden. No calls to resign. Grace F. Napolitano D Calif 87 Bill Pascrell 86 Hal Rogers 85 Maxine Waters 85 Steny Hoyer 84 Nancy Pelosi 83 Jim Clyburn 82 Charles Grassley 90 Bernie Sanders 82 Mitch McConnell 82
Lincoln Project We’ve noticed a real trend here: Trump’s buddies love going to prison. It’s like their thing. Bannon, Manafort, Navarro, Stone, Weisselberg, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, all of his January 6th supporters... this is the prison clique! And it seems to be growing by the second.
I'd bet my bottom dollar that they thing they look snazzy.
Marine Le Pen and her right wing National Rally Party accepted the results of the French election as legitimate. No fuss. No big lie. No threats of insurrection. Just adults adulting. You hear that MAGA? - You fkng morons. -Guy Fawkes News
Just another normal day at Trump Bedminster. -Ron Filipkowski
As President Joe Biden contends with the growing fallout from his debate performance, calls to drop out and criticism of his age, he found safe harbor at a Black church in Philadelphia on Sunday, where the congregation came to his defense.
Black churchgoers in Philadelphia come to Biden's defense amid fallout over debate Biden gave remarks at Mount Airy Church of God in Christ in Philadelphia.
This decrepit old fart had a series of mini-strokes on national TV. Why aren’t Republicans asking HIM to step down? -Lakota Man
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May I present Mar- a- Lago Press Secretary, and Elon’s litter box mate, Catturd:
The Supreme Court cut the heart and soul out of America with this abominable decision… The defining maxim of America has been that no one is above the law. That can never be said about America again after this decision from the Supreme Court.
Acyn (@acynig) on Luttig: The Supreme Court cut the heart and soul out of America with this abominable decision… The defining maxim of America has been that no one is above the law. That can never be said about...
Noel Casler 🧵 1. When Trump had COVID he made the Secret Service drive him around the campus of Walter Reed so he could wave to his freak supporters (who made loud noise day & night next door NIH-keeping patients up, including kids) they gave him steroids so he could do it. Barely mentioned.
Noel Casler 🧵 2. He wanted to wear a f*cking Superman costume under his shirt and rip it open as he exited hospital. (His aides talked him out, damn them) he settled for a Mark Burnett scripted helicopter live shot that followed him along the Potomac at sunset. Political theater, he wheezed as..
Noel Casler 🧵 3. He dramatically tore off mask on White House balcony after barely making it up the stairs. We were still losing many thousands of Americans to COVID/no vax yet & Captain Valtrex was worried about appearing week. A couple months later Joe Biden beat him. He will again. Vote Blue.
I don't pretend to know what the best course forward is for Democrats But I can say that the current course of action — a handful of elected Democrats announcing each day that Biden should drop — seems like the worst possible strategy -Judd Legum
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"In a special Legal AF interview, former Judge J. Michael Luttig joins Michael Popok... Luttig doesn’t pull any punches, as he calls the decision an abomination & one of the worst decisions in SCOTUS history, & one purposefully designed to benefit just one person—TFG." speed up 4 Luttig's slow-talk
FED UP Judge Luttig RIPS the Supreme Court’s YouTube video by MeidasTouch
How about F-ing off Bluesky the day after you effed off Threads?