Pat Inverted Vibe Curve Blanchfield

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Pat Inverted Vibe Curve Blanchfield

US culture, violence, politics, psychoanalysis. associate faculty at the brooklyn institute of social research

ordinary unhappiness (podcast, weekly) | gunpower (book, TK) | apocalypse vibe check (substack)

2 niche 2 live 2 on brand 2 die
COVID is rocking me so all I'll say is that what USers have historically called democracy has long coexisted with tons of explicitly political violence, and that what we call democracy today coexists with absurd amounts of violence that simply isn't called political
there’s a great Buffy episode that does this!
My sister said the cybertruck looks like a Dustbuster and I’m gunna have to give her that one
for the good of joe biden the country must resign
a lot of people are taking all this the wrong way. being late and having difficulty remembering names is totally normal, especially if you have attention deficit disorder. what the chief executive lacks in executive function he more than makes up for elsewhere in hyperfocus
I for one do not think the Democrats will fall over themselves in haste to abandon Joe Biden for the sake of perceived political expediency. it’s not like he’s a trans kid seeking healthcare
looking at my shopping list at the store and got randomly shoulder checked by an old man. thought I had been in his way and apologized to his back before realizing there’s tons of room and I’m the only person here wearing a mask
ah, July 4th, the day USer celebrate how a band of brothers overthrew their own monstrous ur-father and made a pact between themselves to split the resources he had denied them and enjoy the fruits of theft, extraction, and domination themselves in harmonious equality and freedom
first off in some cultures its actually perfectly normal and okay for narcissists in their dimmest twilight years to retain power no matter the cost to them or anyone else
a cool thing I can't get out of my head today is barack obama saying "we tortured some folks." anyway, look, while whatever comes next from the unitary executive may be nightmarishly bad, hey, at least it also helped give us the war on terror!
the oracle at delphi telling croesus that if he goes to war he'll destroy a great empire but its a nation electing a mourner in chief to preside over a great loss
you whiners need to STOP criticizing the president - Joe Biden is perfectly capable of getting Donald Trump elected all on his own!
court rules the Purge legal if you’re President which tracks TBH
right now a lot of guys who have led lives of trouble writing dementedly punctuated Missives to the Admiralty Court of their HOA and numbering papier-mâché DIY license plates with their own blood are realizing they could have instead just made friends with Harlan Crow
The impotent 'dissents' by the Liberals on the court portend what to expect by the Democratic party.
new ! 🚨GERONTOPHALLOCRACY 2024: The June Debate🚨 on the Goldwater Rule, defense mechanisms, splitting, contagion fantasies, disavowed realities, and what exactly happened Thursday night - and after
Episode 59: Gerontophallocracy 2024: The June Debate | Ordinary Get more from Ordinary Unhappiness on Patreon
anyway its cool that the national vibe right now resembles those calmly deliberative and distinctly american kitchen table discussions over whether to take away an elder patriarchs keys and guns and how many does he even have stashed away and where and does he remember exactly